Chapter 16

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Newt's POV

"I told her how I felt, but she was asleep," I said to Minho with defeat in my voice.

He looked with pity, and rested his arm across my shoulders reassuringly.

"Hey, it's progress. She probably just wants her best friend back. Start small, and build her trust back up. You two used to be inseparable; there's no world in which that type of bond can be completely erased"

When the hell did Minho become an expert on relationships?

"So where was this earth shattering advice that would've saved me from this whole mess in the first place?" I pressed with an obvious tone in my voice.

"Hey, don't pin this on me; this problem is 100% yours," he fired back with a chuckle.

I just rolled my eyes with the most sarcasm I could muster, and set off for today's work. I tried to distract myself from that anxious feeling that bubbled in my stomach when I thought about her, but she always lingered around the edges of my thoughts. She always had, even when we didn't talk, and I knew she always would.

Every time I had a piece of news I wanted to share it with her. Every time I saw her smile I wanted to be the one to make her smile. Every time I saw her my heart stopped. I want her back more than anything in the world.


Whatever Frypan whipped up for dinner smells amazing. I couldn't get in line fast enough to get my dinner.

I shifted my gaze to the people already sat and eating, but I didn't see any of my usual friends.

I hummed to myself quietly as I got my dinner and claimed an empty table. I played with my hands as could feel my mind drifting off like it usually did when I was alone when someone finally sat down.

"What took you so lo-"

And suddenly I was at a loss for words.

Newt sat in front of me nonchalantly eating his dinner as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

I was frozen.

Was I dreaming? How was I supposed to feel? Definitely mad, but for some reason I couldn't stop myself from internally smiling a little bit.

"How was your day?" he asked while continuing to eat and without even the smallest indication of our estrangement in his tone.

I opened my mouth to respond, but the shock I was in refused to let me move my tongue. Instead of words, a weird sound left my throat.

"Great," I thought sarcastically, "First time speaking to Newt in who even knows how long in this stupid glade/maze prison, and I can't even speak."

Finally, the wave of initial shock seemed to let go of its grasp on me. Suddenly, the reality of the entire situation came back to me.

There's no way he actually cares—some idiots must've dared him to talk to me

"What do you want," I said coldly. Maybe a little too harshly than I should have. Or wanted to.

"Um— I— Just— Never mind," he said as he stood up, took his food, and walked away.

I could've sworn I heard a quiver in his voice and seen a glimmer of disappointment in his eye, but I know myself too well.

I'm just trying to give myself hope where there is none.

Newt's POV

I cursed at myself while I walked away. Why couldn't I talk to her?

I knew it would be difficult, but I can't even bring myself to look her in the eye. Even after all this time, she had an effect on me that no one even came close to matching.

Then I remembered her tone of voice. She didn't want to see me.

"I'm such and idiot," I thought as I laughed  at myself.

She hated me, and I don't blame her. If I were her, I'd never want to speak to me again. Honestly, after how I treated her, I hate me too.


thanks for sticking w my slow ass writing; i love y'all🫶. pls dont kill me for being so bad at updating🙈

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