Chapter 7

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I went to breakfast feeling kind of empty. I didn't know how to feel. I was alone again. 

I looked around for Chuck, but I couldn't find him, so I sat alone. I hung my head low as I thought about the events of the days prior. Before I could get too deep in thought, I felt a presence sit next to me. I secretly wished it was Newt.

"Hey Y/N," Minho said as I looked up to meet his eyes. I sighed internally, surprised at how much I wished it was Newt who sat next to me.

"How was last night?" he asked as he took a bite of his toast.

Wait. How did he know about last night? No one was around.

"What?" I responded inquisitively. 

"You know... you and Newt, so what happened between you two?" He replied.

"How do you even know about last night?" I asked.

"I'm the one who sent that slinthead to check on you," he said taking another bite out of his toast.

Of course Minho made Newt come over. Newt would never come to me on his own. His friend forced him to, and he still hated me. I just had to accept that.

"Oh yea, it was fine," I said suddenly losing my appetite. 

"Well, I'll see you later Minho," I announced as I got up and started to head towards the runner's hut.

Newt's POV

I got up and headed over to breakfast. I spotted Minho and Y/N talking from across the room. I felt envy grow from within me. 

I was about to walk over to them when I saw Y/N get up and walk towards the runner's hut. I decided to follow her. 

"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself before I jogged up to her.


Sorry it's really short, but I wanted to update tonight and I didn't have time to write a lot. Next update should be up by tomorrow though. Sorry for the half cliff hanger :/

Forgotten Love // (Newt X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя