Chapter 3

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btw if you ever experience anything like these things, feel free to talk to me :) im always here and i struggle with this stuff too.

remember: you are not alone


Minho's POV

I was eating breakfast with Newt when I saw Y/N walk in. At first I saw she was dirty and wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Weird, I thought. She showers everyday, without exception.

The more I looked at her, the more I could see the invisible weight on her shoulders dragging her down. 

I started to worry. Even if Y/N was sad on the inside she never, never showed it on the outside. She was a beacon of light that everyone looked to for hope in the Glade.

I got the urge to go over to her, but I couldn't. Newt trusted me, and I couldn't break that. 

I watched as she sat next to Chuck, no bounce in her step and no joy in her voice. I caught a glimpse of her eyes, and there was no sparkle like there always was.

This wasn't right. 

"You need to talk to her," I blurted out at Newt.

"Are you a bloody psychopath? Why would I ever do that?" Newt retorted.

Rage started to build inside of me as I spoke.

"Can't you see how bad she looks, how bad she feels? The light behind her eyes is gone, and don't tell me you have no clue what I'm talking about. We both know you know her better than anyone here. I know you can tell something's wrong. Go talk to her you shucking idiot."

"Not my girl, not my problem," Newt said as he stood up and left.

I sat there in shock of what he just said. A year ago he'd be the first one by her side.

I still had no clue what made Newt ignore Y/N completely. I had tried asking him, but he refused to talk about it.

I debated whether or not I should go talk to her, but by the time I glanced up to look at her, she had left.


I got up from the tree I slept on and started to head for breakfast. I had never felt so broken and worthless in my life. No one cared and no one ever would.

I headed towards my usual spot next to Chuck. My feet dragged as I walked and I could feel the dark circles that had formed under my eyes.

I couldn't feel anything. I felt like a waking body, no soul, no emotions, just a physical being.

I saw Newt sitting and eating with Minho. I let the slightest smile show as I thought about the meals the three of us had together.

I felt a piece food hit my back. I turned around to see a smirking Minho.

"Oh, you're on," I declared. 

Within thirty seconds every glader had started to chuck food across the room.

I was throwing food at Alby when I felt someone grab me from behind.

I screeched, but relaxed when I realized it was Newt.

He lightly kissed the top of my hair, like he always does, and I was in pure bliss.

"Sorry love," he said

"For wha-"

"MINHO ATTACK," he yelled.

Minho let out a loud battle cry, and before I knew it I had about ten gladers attacking me with food.

"I hate you. so. much," I laughed.

"Oh c'mon darling, you know you love me," Newt said with a boyish smirk.

"You're so annoying," I said as I smiled, and he pulled me into his side as we walked back to our huts.

I couldn't help but look up at him. It felt so good to be this close to him. He smelled like sweat, forest, and warmth. He smelled like home.

My smile faded as I snapped back to reality. Newt hated me, and things would never be like that again.

I decided to leave breakfast and start my job. I just needed to go through the motions. I just needed to get through today.


not that exciting, but things r gonna heat up in the next chapter i promise

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