Chapter 4

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I headed over to the map room. I was gathering my weapons when Minho walked.

"Hey, Y/N are you ok?" he asked with worry overwhelming his voice.

"Yea I'm fine, just tired that's all," I lied straight through my teeth and fake smile I had plastered on my face.

I looked back down when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You know you can talk to me right? I know we're not as close as we used to be, but I'm always here for you," he said solemnly.

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

I started to walk away when Minho saw the bruises on my neck from last night.

"Wait, what's that on your neck?" he questioned.


"It's nothing," I responded.

"That doesn't look like nothing," he said as he approached me.

"Just leave it alone," I snapped.

My words were cold and I regretted them the second they left my mouth. Yet another person I hurt in my life for no reason.

Tears stung my eyes as I ran into the maze. Why couldn't I do anything right?

Minho's POV

I couldn't believe what I just saw. No wonder Y/N looked so horrible this morning. She was attacked. Badly.

I ran after her but she had already entered the maze. I had to find Newt. He was the only one she had truly connected with here. He's the only one that could give her the support she needed.

I found him working in the gardens. I marched up to him with haste.

"When she gets out of the Maze you need to find Y/N," he demanded.

Newt just laughed.

"Funny joke Minho," he chuckled as he continued to work.

"I'm being serious. Do you even know what she's been through? I saw her this morning. Bruises everywhere, and she just looked so broken, so scared," I spoke with my voice full of emotion with tears threatening to spill.

I saw worry flash across Newt's eyes for a split second. I saw the fear. That's when I knew he still cared. That's when I realized he had never stopped.

"Whatever, not my problem," he shrugged.

Just as fast as his worried expression had come, it left. I started to walk away when I did something I never thought I'd do. I punched my best friend with everything I had.

"What the hell mate!," he screamed as he held his cheek.

"You know what it's for. Maybe it woke you up from whatever slinthead daze you're in," I seethed.

I was pissed. Why was he being such shucking jackass?

I know he still cares. I don't care what it takes, I'm making him make amends. I have no clue what made him stop in the first place, but Y/N deserves better. She needs her best friend back.


just a filler (and kinda short) sorry :(((

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