Chapter 2

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Everyone in the Glade was gathered around a bonfire, everyone but Newt. He had done everything possible to avoid you. He even quit his job as a runner to eliminate the possibility of seeing you. 

He hated you. And you couldn't do anything to fix it. That's what hurt the most.

All the boys were drunkenly dancing around the fire and chanting songs. You still remembered your first bonfire in the glade.

As you laid on your bed deep in thought, you heard lots of  commotion outside. You sprung up from your bed and ran over to the sight of  a giant flame. You could hear the crackles of the fire from about halfway between your hut and the fire.

"Sup Greenie?" Newt asked.

"W-what's going on?" You asked with fear tinged in your voice.

"Calm down there Greenie we're just having a bit of fun," he reassured. 

"You know my names y/n, right?" You raised your eyebrow.

"I know its just cute to see you so bloody annoyed," he said with a grin.

He thinks i'm cute? You felt your cheeks turn a shade of pink. You hoped he didn't catch your blush. At least it was dark out, you thought.

He handed me a mysterious brown liquid in a jar.

"Gally's secret recipe," he offered.

You took a swig and barely choked half of it down. You kept coughing as Newt laughed at the sight of my face when I tasted the bitter drink.

"That's disgusting, how do you shucking drink that stuff?" You asked with laughter riddling your voice.

"Hey look at you using Glader slang! You're starting to get the hang of this place love"

You would never get sick of his British accent. Just hearing it made your heart sing.

God you missed his British accent. You hadn't heard it in so long. You missed his scent, his hugs, everything. You missed him.

You needed to clear your head. You needed to run. 

You got up from your place on the log and started to jog. Your light run around the glade felt so good. It was so nice to be alone with your thoughts.

You ran for about 20 minutes and then decided to take a break in the forest. You sat down, your back leaning against a tall tree.

You felt your eyelids get heavy when you heard a twig snap.

"Who's there," you demanded.

Silence. There was only silence. You felt goosebumps cover your body.

You felt a pair of arms grab you from behind and slam you up against the wall. You couldn't make out who it was, only that they were taller and much stronger than you.

"Don't struggle and you might actually enjoy this". His voice was deep and stunk of alcohol.

Those words made you want to gag. Those words would be burned into your mind forever.

You tried so hard to set yourself free, but gave up relatively easily. It was no use. You were alone and afraid. For the past few months you had felt so alone and this just confirmed your thoughts. You had tried so hard to stay positive but your emotional state kept declining over time. You had officially given up.

You closed your eyes as you felt your shirt getting taken off and his cold hands traveling your body.

When he finished, you were left alone. Freezing and lonely as ever, you cried yourself to sleep.


Wow 3 updates in 3 days. Kinda killin it over here. Don't worry the real story's gonna start very soon. (btw pls vote/comment it means a lot!!)

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