Chapter 1

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~Present Day~

You woke up to the sunlight pouring into your room. You stood up while rubbing your eyes. You got ready for the day by putting on your light brown tank top and plain cargo pants. Not the cutest outfit, but functionality was far more important in the Glade.

You left your hut and headed over for breakfast. You sat down in your usual spot, next to Alby and Chuck. Across the room, you spotted Newt.

You felt a pang in your heart. It still hurt every time you looked at him. Shit, it still hurt. Why did it still hurt? You stopped talking a year ago. You should be over it by now. You lost your best friend, but even worse you didn't even know what you did wrong.

"Ready to head out?"

Minho's request snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah, let's go"

You quickly headed over to Frypan who gave you both sandwiches to pack for your runs.

You and Minho walked in silence to the map room. He was Newt's best friend, so things had been awkward between you two ever since you and Newt stopped talking. It had always bothered you a little bit that you two drifted apart from each other.

You wished Minho still talked to you as much as he used to. You were still friends of course, but you weren't nearly as close as you once were. You missed his brotherly advice and reassurance.

You carried on as usual, grabbing your choice of two weapons and heading out to map your section of the maze.

Before running through the towering stone doors, you saw Newt look at you and shake his head from his job as a track-hoe. You only caught it for a spilt second, but you could swear he was looking out for you.

As much as you wanted that look to be real, your mind was 100% it wasn't real, and you ignored it.

You quickly entered the maze and began mapping. You covered almost all of your section when you decided to take a break for lunch. You took a bite out your sandwich, and before you knew it the whole thing was gone.

Frypan really did make the best sandwiches.

You got up to finish your section, and then started to head back. You loved running because it gave you time to be alone with your thoughts.

While running, you couldn't help but think about Newt. Why did he hate me so much? And why did I still love him? Fuck, I still love him.


Wow that was a quick update. Kinda proud of myself. I'm in love with this story and ecstatic to share it with you guys!!

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