Chapter 11

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Newt's POV
I looked out through the giant doors and into the maze. I had never really realized how quiet, yet chilling, the maze was.

Slowly, I felt the anxiety rise in me as the time started to tick down in my head. My mind was racing with the worst case scenario. Y/n is the most responsible glader I know, she wouldn't be in the maze this long, unless... unless something happened to her.

I heard the crunching of grass come closer towards me. When I finally looked up, I was shocked to see the greenie of all people.

"Hey man, calm down. Deep breaths. In and out," the new greenie calmly directed.

I hadn't even noticed I started to hyperventilate thinking about Y/n. Even after all this time, she still got to me. It was always her little things: the way she always challenged me to races in the maze with a childlike thrill in her voice, the way she looked at the stars with a sparkle in her eye, and most importantly, the way she looked at me.

But I ruined that too.

"Helloo? Earth to Newt," the greenie said while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What's wrong?" the Greenie questioned.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," I shrugged.

I tried to get him off my back. But he kept pushing, and the more he did the more pissed I became.

I started to walk away, but the greenie had yelled at me again. I should've kept walking, but instead I turned around.

As I stormed up to the new kid, I yelled, "You wanna know what's wrong? The person I care about the most is still in the maze. She's stranded in the maze and I'M the one who drove her there. I'M the reason she might not make it."

And then, with my eyes looking straight down, I whispered for only my ears to hear, "And I've never hated myself more."

Then I heard it. The doors began to close. And I felt a part of my soul break away and shatter into a thousand pieces.

By the time I looked up, the greenie was gone. And the doors had five seconds until they finished closing.

Only when I saw his eyes gleaming at me through the small gap from the other side of the doors did I realize what I had just done.

The deafening noise of the doors closing for the night rang throughout the maze.

Not only had I driven y/n out of my life-and her own- I had killed a greenie. I just killed an innocent boy, and I don't know how to live with myself.

Greenie's POV
After hearing Newt's story, I backed into the maze before I had even fully realized what I was doing.

His words struck a nerve, and somehow I felt responsible. Like it was my fault.

As soon as the doors closed I started to run. I quickly realized how stupid of a mistake I had made, but there was no going back now.

After about an hour of running, I turned a corner and smashed into something and fell backward... or possibly someone?

As I rubbed my eyes, I looked up to see a pretty, strong girl standing on top of me, ready to fight.

"Who are you, and what do you want," She yelled at me.

"I'm just a greenie. I just got here today in the box, I swear. I'm in here to help you-Newt sent me," I pleaded.

"You're lying. Newt doesn't give a shit about me. What do you really want," she spoke with a more threatening tone this time.

"Ok fine, I ran in here alone. Please, I'm just the greenie. I'm harmless." I pleaded yet again.

"Ok greenie. What's your real name?" She challenged.

"I don't know," I said shamefully.

"Then THINK," she yelled.

It hit me like a bus.


adventures are BOUTTA begin. strap in. anyways ik this is taking the normal story off the rails, but I hope you enjoy anyway.

happy reading :)

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