Chapter 14: Sophie

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Ok. Four days. Yay! Four days and I'm going to be the wife of the most important person in the world to me. I'm really nervous. What if something goes wrong? I know Fitz still loves me. What if he tries to stop out wedding like Councilor Alina did? I tugged out one of my eyelashes. Biana slapped my hand.

"Ow! What was that for?"

Biana glared at me. 

"Your getting married in four days!"

"Um so?"

"Soooo, do you want to have any eyelashes left for your wedding?"

I sighed, but I stopped. By sitting on my hands...but I stopped. Biana looked up from the clipboard she'd been carrying around the past few months.

Do elves have clipboards? Hmm I never really thought about it though. I'm just gonna go with it!

"Ok Soph! Today we're going to go check on Keefe. We need to make sure he's ready, his outfits (what the heck do I call a suit for elves!!??) ready, and he hasn't messed up his hair to much. 

"Please. Keefe wouldn't mess up his hair if it was the end of the world. He'd probably say something like, Well I'd rather die hot than ugly!" 

We both started laughing as we walked to the leapmaster.

"Well as much as that sounds like Keefe, and I mean it sounds a lot like him Soph, but the boys got together for a prank wars today."

I jumped.

"What!? The wedding's in four days and we both know that a lot of their pranks involve hair. I'm going hail all the girls to help. But before I do, I bet you 20 lusters his hair is still in perfect shape."

"You're on."

I hailed all of the girls and told them to meet us at The Shores Of Solace immediately. Me and Biana leaped their, and when we got their we heard the boys screaming at each other. We walked inside, where Fitz popped up. Biana shrieked. He was covered head to toe in clear plastic that looked like a little like glue. 

"Um what is that Bi?" I asked, still not talking to him. 

"Ew ew ew ew ew! It's Verminion spit! Ugh! That's disgusting!" 

All the boys came running, asking why Biana screamed. Then they saw what we were staring at and burst out laughing. Keefe came up next to me and whispered,

"That one was for you and me Foster. I got revenge!"

I laughed slightly and whispered back.

"It does come out though right?"

He sighed dramatically.

"Ya I guess."

"I just don't know if that's good or not." I tilted my head and couldn't decide. 

Then the girls all leaped into the clearing and screamed to. Linh ran over to Wylie, Marella walked over to Dex, muttering to herself about dumb boys. Biana turned around and looked at Tam and screamed again. I finally got a good look at Keefe and smiled. 

"I told you his hair wouldn't be messed up Bi. You owe me 20 lusters." I told her. 

Keefe put a hand on his chest in mock hurt.

"You put a bet on the Hair?"

"Ya well, we couldn't decide if you're hair would be messed up or not. And turns out I was right!"

Keefe scoffed. 

"It's actually THE Hair thank you." 

I sighed and rolled my eyes and then turned to look at the other boys. I gasped. 

"You guys are horrible!" 

Tam's hair was purple, his lips looked like he was wearing the brightest red lipstick. Dex looked really pale, like as if it took an elixir to look that pale, and their was something gross dripping off him.  Wylie looked like he'd been blasted with a spray of green paint because the whole front off his body was covered in green. 

"You guys should never be allowed to have a prank wars again!"

But then Biana pulled some glitter out of her bag and everyone stared at her.

"What? Is a girl not allowed to carry around glitter?"

Then she sprinkled some on Tam and he sighed, but Biana glared at him. 

"If you're going to look like that, you are going to wear glitter to!"

Then Biana checked to make sure Keefe was ready to go for the wedding-which he was and as we all leaped away, we could hear the boy's prank wars start back up.

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