Chapter 13

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Finley's POV:

It's been a couple of days since that... Incident happened.

It's been crazy.

Marco hasn't came out of his room.

Ameer has been the same... Well, he has been way more clinger to Uncle Orion then me... Totally not jealous.

Dad has been drinking a lot more, and Uncle Orion has just been taking care of Ameer.

I on the other hand have been, well I've been okay.

I've been hanging out with the dogs a lot.

School has been really boring, Gavin hasn't been around much.

Which I'm thankful for... Kinda, I've been bored so I just need someone to pick a fight with.

Ameer hasn't been able to come to school, he's been headspace a lot... Like a lot a lot.

He never is really out of it.

"UBBY!" Ameer screamed from downstairs.

I sighed and got out of bed and dragged myself downstairs.

"What is it, Ameer?" I huffed out.

"Pway?" He asked while holding up my old dinosaurs.

"Not right now." I said as I started making my way back to my room.

"YOU'RE SO EAN BUBBY!" Ameer screamed at me.

I turn my head and stare at him.

He's wearing a long sleeved pj shirt with the matching pants.

His diaper sticking out of the back a little and his signature pouty face.

"I'm not mean, I'm just tired." I said harshly.

"Meme sleep wif chu?" Ameer asked standing up and running towards me.

"No Buddy, you've been doing so good sleeping in your own room." I said to him.

"No me sleep wif chu." He said angrily stomping his foot.

As if on cue Uncle Orion came out of his office.

He was dressed in a button up white shirt and black slacks.

His messy hair falling perfectly over his eyes. His glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.

"Ameer Vera, what's with all this screaming." Uncle Orion asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Ubby won't pway wif me!" Ameer said running over to him.

"You do know that Bubby had big boy school today, so he might be really tired... In matter of fact, it's getting late, almost your bed time." Uncle Orion said placing Ameer on his hip.

"No Papa! I wanna sleep wif bubby!" Ameer whined.

"Ameer, didn't we already have this talk last night?" Uncle Orion said.

"But Papaaa!" Ameer whined while placing his head on Uncle Orion's shoulder.

"Do you want to watch Papa do some paper work, or do you want to go to bed now." Uncle Orion said bouncing Ameer lightly.

"Pway..." Ameer said while rubbing his eyes.

"Let's go baby." Uncle Orion said while carrying a whining Ameer upstairs.

I just rolled my eyes and made my way to my room.
I woke up this morning with a giggling Ameer in my face.

I groaned.

"Ubby, chu pway wif me?"Ameer asked, poking my face in the process.

"No, Ameer." I said with an annoyed tone.

I pulled my pillow over my head in attempt to get him to go away.


I looked at him like he was crazy.

All of the yelling caused Dad to wake up and come shuffling in my room.

"Hey, what's with all the yelling?" Dad asked groggily.

"Ubby won't pway wif meme." Ameer pouted out.

"I'm tired." I snapped.

"Ameer, does your Papa know you're in here?" Dad asked Ameer.

Ameer just looked down and nodded.

He always looks down when he lies.

Uncle Orion told Ameer more than once, that he wasn't allowed in my room if I'm sleeping or about to sleep.

"So if I go and find your Papa and ask him if you're allowed to be in here he's going to say yes?" Dad asked with an amused facial expression.

"Uh huh." Ameer said looking down again.

"Hm... But if you're lying to me do you know what I have to do?" Dad said while walking over to Ameer.

"Nu uh." Ameer said... He's now playing with his fingers.

"I'm going to have to tell your Papa. Now... What would your Papa do if he find out about this?" Dad asked Ameer...

Ameer looked on the verge of tears.

"I asked a question, Ameer." Dad said sternly.

"Pankings..." Ameer sniffled out.

"I know you don't want any spankings, buddy. So how about you come with me and we can go play and I pinky promise I won't tell your Papa." Dad said to Ameer.

Extending his pinky out for Ameer to clutch onto.

Ameer just sniffles but wrapped his pinky around Dads.

"Bubby won't tell either but you need to start learning Meme. You can't keep coming in Bubby's room when you aren't allowed." Dad said as he picked Ameer up.

"I sowwy." Ameer said shyly.

"Good boy, now how about some breakfast? Hm? How about we eat that new Unicorn Cereal Uncle Angelo got you?" Dad said as he carried Ameer out.

I just sighed and tried to go back to sleep.

Thank god it's a weekend.
I got about another hour of sleep before i heard a bunch of crying downstairs.

I groaned and slumped out of bed.

As I was walking out my bedroom door the crying got louder.

I then realized Ameer was sitting by my door crying.

"Meme, what's wrong?" I asked him crouching down.


I sighed and started walking downstairs.

The entire way down Ameer was screaming at me.

"AMEER VERA!" I heard someone yell.

"NO!" Ameer shouted back.

That's when I saw Uncle Orion dart upstairs.

"Tell me no again, and see what happens." Uncle Orion said reaching Ameer.

I tried not to listen in but hey, I'm only human.


"That's it little boy." Uncle Orion said.

After that I heard a lot of screaming and a bedroom door shut.

I can't even imagine the spanking he's about to get.

Well, nothing I can do.

I continued downstairs and went to make some breakfast.

That's when I saw him.

Why the fuck is he here?
Imma leave ya'll on a cliff hanger causseeee I can🙈

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