Chapter 46

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Just a little disclaimer... This chapter includes violence, and heavy language( but yet again when has there never been a chapter without it) POV'S will be switched throughout the story as well!!

Finley's POV:

I ended up falling asleep on the couch, but I woke up too... a lot of noises.


I jolted awake as Ameer was shaking and screaming at me.

"Wha- What's going on?!" I looked around and I was in a weird looking room.

"Shut up, go over there and lock yourself in that room. Do not, and I repeat do not open it for anyone. I'll explain later." Ameer pushed me towards the door, and that's when my blood ran cold.

Am I in the same situation?

Are there people around with guns?

Is anyone going to die...

"GET IN YOU SLOW BASTARD! FUCKING MOVE!" Ameer pushed me inside the room and slammed the door shut.

It was white walled, made of steel.

The door looked heavy and thick.

I scurried to the door and locked it.

I'm scared... I'm so so scared.

Ameer's POV:

I ran out the room and ran back into mine.

These mother fuckers stay on my nerves.

I shield myself up with armor, if I don't wear any Papa will have my ass.

I grabbed my guns, and even my special guns in it.

I got my pistol on my waistband and continued walking out the room.

When I was out, I saw Addison shooting both his gun in every direction.


I go up behind him, and easily slide under his legs and started shooting people in the kneecaps.

"Goddamnit Ameer, your dad for you to stay in the room with Finley."Addison looked down at me, and I just flashed him a smile.

"I'm not a pussy boy like Finley, just let me do my thing." Addison rolled his eyes and started aiming his gun and intruders.

"If Orion finds out he's going to skin me alive, and then whip your ass." Addison said like I didn't already know.

I just stared at him and he sighed.

"Just don't die."

Addison's POV

How the fuck did they get in.

The gate was guarded and the goddamn house was locked down.

How did they get in?!

I watch as Ameer slides across the ground shooting people like he was a greedy kid trying to get up something first.

I run after him, making sure he doesn't get shot.

When I came into eye view of him, he was beating the shit out of some big guy with the end of his gun, like he was trying to bust open a piñata.

"Look Addy, look what this guy thought he could do! I'm just better! I'm always better." As he said that he continued to beat the guy.

"I think he's dead Ameer, calm down dude." I shot the guy coming up behind him, and Ameer just continued to beat the guy.

I sighed and walked off.

I have to find Angelo and find out what the fuck is going on.
When I found him he was standing on top of someone.

"Please... I'm only working- It's- It's nothing personal! Please!" The random guy that Angelo was standing on was pleading for his life.

Angelo gave him one look then shot him right in the head..

"Do you need something?" He made direct eye contact with me.

"Yeah, I need to know what the fuck is going on. I'm out dropping people, and Ameer is-"

"Get Ameer off now." Angelo started stalking towards me.

"I said, get him off NOW." I went out to find Ameer again, but as I was doing so... Screams filled the air.

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