Chapter 9

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Angsty chapter you've been warned.

Joe sighed, nervously running the hand that wasn't holding on to Brian up and down his leg. "I don't even know where to begin. With Zoey."

"Take your time," Brian reassured sweetly, still fixated on the fact that Joe's hand was touching his. "Maybe start with what's stressing you out right now?"

Joe scoffed, breathing through gritted teeth. "Today alone was a shit show."

"Really?" Brian asked, genuinely surprised. "When I saw you guys this morning you seemed happy."

"I am. We are—" Joe shook his head, letting go of Brian and burying his face in his hands. "I don't even know anymore. I don't know why things are so bad. I'm tired of us fighting."

Brian moved his hand from Joe's shoulder to his back, rubbing it soothingly. His hand already felt cold from the absence of Joe holding it. "It's okay," he whispered, unsure of what else he could tell him in the moment.

Joe continued to rant, his face still buried. "She used to make me so happy, and I thought that I made her happy. I don't know how we got here. But I'm so tired of constantly walking on eggshells around her." Joe took a deep breath; he really didn't want to cry in front of Brian. "I really love her. I can't imagine what my life would even be like if she wasn't my girlfriend. I try so hard to show her that I love her more than anything and it's like no matter what I do, I'm always letting her down. I just wish I could make her as happy as she makes me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

"A-are you happy?" Brian asked tentatively.

"What?" Joe asked, sitting up and finally finding the strength to look at Brian, his eyes a little watery.

"Nothing, fuck." Brian bit his lip, worried he'd said something wrong. "I don't want to overstep. I'm just hear to listen."

"Why wouldn't I be happy with her?" Joe asked; not defensively, but curiously.

"I mean, it's just—I feel like someone who was in a happy relationship wouldn't be crying about said relationship the way you are right now." Brian mentally slapped himself. Why the fuck did he say that? He was coming across as an asshole.

"I mean, relationships aren't perfect all the time. They're not supposed to be. We're human; humans fight."

"No of course, I-I agree with you." Brian stammered out. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to come across rude—"

"You didn't. Hey," Joe said softly, reaching over and placing a hand on Brian's leg. "I appreciate you listening to me. I'm not going to be mad at you for giving me your honest opinion."

Brian didn't respond immediately, his brain needing time to process the fact that Joe Walker's goddamn hand was on his thigh. Was that normal? Do guy friends do that? He'd certainly never done that with Joey. "I just hate seeing you so torn up and upset." Brian answered honestly. "I see how much you care for her. I see how hard you try, and I think you're drained from it. That's why I'm asking if you're truly happy. Relationships are work yes, but they shouldn't break you. And I feel like you're . . . Breaking down."

Joe laughed, taking his hand off of Brian's leg to wipe his eyes. "Breaking down is one word for it, that's for sure." He took a sip of his coffee, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Can I ask you something?" Brian asked nervously, copying Joe and taking a sip of his coffee.

Joe sighed. "Go for it. I've already cried in front of you; can't get more humiliating than that."

"There's nothing wrong with crying." Brian said matter of factly. He took a deep breath, nervous about the response he'd get to his question. "What about Zoey makes you happy?"

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