Chapter 24

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Lauren laughed as she entered the theatre building with Rachael. "We're doing a Disney duet too. Way to copy us."

"How do I know you're not copying Jeff and I?" Rachael teased as they walked to Glee club together. "You guys are procrastinators. You know it took Jeff a grand total of six seconds to come up with the perfect duet for us to sing together."

"Fair enough. He has a good ear." Lauren conceded as they entered the choir room. They were usually the first ones there. "So are you guys going today?"

"We might as well, we're ready. What about you?"

Lauren shook her head. "While you may have copied Joey and I in choosing a Disney love song, I seriously doubt that you managed to copy our methods of delivering our duet."

Rachael shook her head, smirking. "What does that mean?"

"You'll find out later this week. Probably Friday because Joey's and I are fucking cramming to get this idea of ours done. You're lucky you and Jeff aren't in the play."

"No way, I wish I'd done it. I'm sure it's going to be hilarious. We're all mad that we didn't do it."

"Don't even get me started," Robert added as he walked in with Jeff and Jon. "I should've tried out, I was just way too nervous. I really wanted the role of Harry and I figured I had no chance as a freshmen."

"Silly Robert, don't you know the whole thing was rigged from the beginning?" Brian teased, walking in with Joey.

"Here we go, this again." Joey whined miserably.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked.

"Rosenthal here was originally eyed to play Harry during auditions." Lauren explained. "Nick Matt and Holden all agreed that he would've been great for the role, but they'd written the show with Darren in mind as Harry."

"Damn really? That sucks. Guess it's a good thing I didn't bother auditioning."

"No Robert!" Lauren yelled, running up and playfully punching his arm. "You're amazing and need to go for it the next time you want a role."

"Lauren's right." Brian said truthfully.

"Besides, things worked out for you anyway, didn't they Brian?" Joey teased, winking at him. "You wound up in a role that you're enjoying a lot, right?"

Brian flicked Joey off, smiling and slow blinking at him. He might as well just announce to the entire Glee club that he had a crush on Joe Walker.

Joey blew him a kiss as he set his backpack down, turning to find Lauren Lopez staring up at him. "Mrs. Lopez," he greeted.

"Monsieur Richter," Lauren teased back. "We still on for after school? We really have to show Rachael and Jeff up, apparently they're doing a Disney duet too."

"Shut up, they are? Bastards." Joey feigned anger as him and Lauren sat down. "Well I assume that they're not copying our methods, are they?"

"Of course not. They're singing like basic bitches." She whispered, the two of them breaking out into laughter.

"Such amateurs," Joey whispered as the bell rang.

Joe slipped into the room right on time, Mr. Davidson giving him a look as he speed walked into a seat. Joe scanned the room as Mr. Davidson started talking, spotting Brian sitting two rows ahead of him. Smirking, he reached into his backpack and grabbed a sheet of paper he'd been using, crumbling it up and throwing it at the back of Brian's head.

The younger boy jumped, turning around in confusion. Joe caught his eye, smirking and giving him a wave. "What?" Brian whispered.

"Come sit next to me," Joe pleaded, a mischievous smile on his face.

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