Remus Speaks Siriusese

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"What's that? What's that... little bright specter of light beaming through the cracks? What's - what's that? ODAAAAAAAAAAAIR'S THE SUN!"

The sunlight burst into the room and exploded onto Jasper's face. "Oh gods!" he groaned loudly, and clapped his hands to his face, covering his eyes and rolling to press into the cushions. "Bloody shut that thing off!"

"The sun? Sorry mate, it isn't possible!" Sirius flung himself over the back of the couch and landed beside Jasper's legs, shaking him by the knees. "Riiiiise and shine popkin!!!"

Jasper groaned.

"Finding yourself a wee hung over this morning?" Sirius teased. "Finding it hard to function?"

"Oi careful before you find my foot up your --"

"Ahem!" Lily cleared her throat to announce her presence and Sirius chortled as Jasper moaned and pressed harder into the couch cushions. Visions of things he dreamed - but had he been dreaming? - rushed into his head and blurry, but terribly embarrassing words tumbled through his memory.

Had he actually challenged James Potter to a duel over Lily Evans?

"Morning," Lily said.

"Mornin' Lilith. You see what the hippogriff dragged in last night?" Sirius waved at the lump of Jasper on the couch.

"I do." Lily leaned against the couch back. "How're you feeling, Jaz? James said you were a real mess when you showed up last night."

"Still am," came the muffled reply.

Lily reached down and rubbed Jasper's back, her palm stroking along his spine. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said.

"Don't you just find it heart breaking?" Sirius intoned.

Lily glared at him and he chuckled, but he did get up, disappearing into the kitchen rather quickly.

Jasper rolled over to look up at Lily. He was aware his mouth was no doubt putting off an odor like a dragon's maw but there wasn't much to do for it. That was the least of his embarrassments at the moment. He felt his face flushing hot. Jasper closed his eyes, steeling himself to find the bravery in himself to ask the question. A voice in the back of his mind, which he'd secretly begun calling his "Inner Sirius Black", piped up - FIND? And Jasper had to try not to laugh. He would've failed at trying not to, too, if it wasn't for how incredibly embarrassing the potential answer to the question he had to ask could possibly be. Eyes still wrenched closed, he asked, "Lily, did I -- did I do or say anything... you know... particularly stupid last night?"

"Besides snore?" Lily giggled. "You were out cold when I came home." She smiled so kindly and her beautiful green eyes shone with such sincerity that the anxiety pounding through Jasper's veins instantly seemed to evaporate and he breathed out all that awful tension, his shoulders releasing the tightness.

James came down the hallway then, saw Jasper and Lily talking, bristled slightly, muttered, "Morning Odair," and went on into the kitchen.

Ah, Jasper thought. So I did do something particularly stupid after all.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"For knocking out on our couch?" Lily laughed, "It's no bother, Jasper, you're quite welcome. Anytime." She smiled warmly.

Jasper felt something akin to relief wash through him. Had he not said all the stupid things he'd thought he had? His heart rate picked up and he navigated carefully, "Yeah, and whatever else I've done. I don't remember anything really." He glanced at the kitchen doorway. Sirius's voice was floating out, though quietly enough that Jasper couldn't tell what he was saying.

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now