Attack On Wayne Manor (Arc 2)

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Here we are, the final of Arc 2, sorry for waiting so lets Not waste time and jump into the chapter. This is 6.6k long chapter so enjoy.

Alfred: The sewers again sir?

Alfred spoke through the comms. Bruce and I were in the sewers, Batman using batlight and I having my X-lights on my mask.

Batman: Seems I'm always up to my neck in sewage one way or another.

Bruce responded as our footsteps through polluted water echoed through the sewers.

Batman: But this particular section has been shut down since 1800s.

Bruce explained as we stopped, Bruce turned to look left and I turned to Look right. There was 4 tunnels and we decided to go through the one infront of us.

Batman: Took some work to get here, belive me.

Bruce stated, making me roll my eyes. 'He probably went to the police station and showed his papers with Batman approved written on it'

Alfred: But what about Master Damian?

Alfred asked as we reached the end of the tunnel which was closed with brick wall.

You: He's a pawn in the Court's game. This is only gonna end when we take them down.

I stated.

Batman: Hang on. I've got something, the signal is strongest right behind here.

Bruce added quickly after, he put his batlight into his mouth as he searched for the brick to push.

Alfred: Sir?

Alfred asked as Bruce found the brick and pushed it, opening the secret corridor. When we entered, the wall behind and us closed and blocked the exist which didn't bother us as we continued to walk foward.

Batman: We've located a long corridor that leads to the signal's source.

Bruce stated as we walked between grey walls and towards the light and the other end.

Alfred: Y--r tra---issi-- i- b--aking --.

Alfred tried to tell us something but our communitaction broke and we only could hear static coming through our comms.

Batman: There's a a faint aroma in the air, mouldly sweet. Wait-

Bruce stated as we almost reached the end but all lights turned off so we turned ours on. At the end of the corridor, we found the dark circular shaped room. When we walked towards the the middle, strong lights above us turned on, making both us to cover our eyes with our capes.

When we looked up, we saw women, men and kids with owl maks looking down at us from the balcony. From the crowd, so called Grandmaster came, wearing yellow suit and black cloak.

GM: Welcome Batman and Red X, to the Court of Owls. We've been expecting you.

The Grandmaster welcomed us as he looked down at us and put his hands on the railing.

Batman: You were watching us in the tunnels.

Bruce questioned while glaring at the Grandmaster.

GM: In the tunnels, on the streets-we have eyes across Gotham observing and recording your every move.

Grandmaster stated as I looked around for any trap they planned, but finding nothing which made me feel uneasy. 'Did they really just welcomed us or they have diffrent kind of trap?' i thought.

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