The Seeing Stone

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Havre opened her eyes and looked at the piece of wood she soaked in water the day before, now completely dry. At first, the task was tougher than she thought it would be, but once she focused on clearing her head and tried to limit her input on the wood, it worked like a charm. She felt a sense of pleasant satisfaction with her work, one she hadn't felt in a while. She thought that it was a long time since she was able to use her abilities to do something so harmless like drying wood.

The clothes that Cal had given Havre surprisingly fit her like a glove. The loose white undertunic, another layer of a sandy tunic with a matching obi, brown-ish tabards, and pants were made out of a rough and rather unpleasantly woven fabric, unlike the very comfortable leather belt that she put around it. It smelled of dust and wood, nowhere similar to the mass-produced robes of the First Order.

'You look like a proper Jedi.' Cal laughed, when she stepped out of her cabin in the morning. 'Ready to start your training?' he asked.

'No fish stew to keep me waiting?' she asked, raising her brows and stretching her arms in the rough fabric of her new robes.

'Not today.' Cal smirked, resting his hands on his hips. Havre only then noticed a long lightweight narrow boat moored to the dock next to him. Noticing her surprised glance, he added: 'I'll explain more once we're on our way.'

'On our way where?'

'A seeing stone.'

'Seeing stone?'

'A naturally strong place in the Force. One of few in our Galaxy.' He said, stepping into the boat. Havre followed his steps carefully, as the vessel trembled unstably on the water surface. The Jedi took a long, heavy wooden oar in his hand and once Havre sat on the bottom of the boat, with a quick blow of the Force, pushed the vessel away from the dock, setting the course for the open ocean.

'The ability you had presented yesterday is what the Jedi call the Living Force. It is the life energy around you and all the living things. It's tangible, you can see and feel its effects on the outside world in many ways. Combat, jumping, force healing, moving objects, me now rowing this boat - those are all projections of the Living Force. The other, invisible to an untrained eye and in its sense more important is the Unifying Force. It is the power connecting us, the rippling surface of space and time, the mind and voice of the Force.'

'The mind?' Havre asked.

'Oh, yes.' Cal said. 'The Force does have a will. You were asking about the path you have in the Force, hopefully, you shall gain some answer from it today.'

Havre fell quiet for a moment and observed the ocean stretching to the horizon outside the broadside of the boat. She felt a little anxious. Now that she was so close to it, she felt unsure if she wanted to know her destiny at all, out of fear she had already seen it... and that image that until now she successfully pushed away in her mind, appeared again. Kylo Ren, Snoke's head, the throne...

'Don't be afraid.' Cal said softly. 'The Force might seem clouded now, but the seeing stone is known for unfogging most aspects.'

Havre just nodded, but his words didn't console her one bit.

They spent the next twenty minutes in silence. Cal gazed into the distance, working his arms on rowing and Havre looked nervously at the glazing surface of the water. She saw the reflection of her face, distorted by the short waves caused by the boat. And somehow it made her feel kind of strange, as if just then the reality had hit her. Was the person on the water surface the same one that once used to kill to survive? Killed... so many...

She looked up at Cal. His expression was calm, without a worry. Wasn't he threatened by her? And why... Why was he helping her in the first place? She never opened her mind before him, not even once, so how could he know that whatever she told him about her was even true? That her intentions were pure? After all, she could have lied... And yet... she didn't. For some reason she trusted him... why?

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