The Apprentice

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A weird beeping sound woke Havre from her sleep. She jumped up, surprised when she opened her eyes, seeing the unfamiliar room and it took her a few good moments to realize what had happened. The dark room was now lit up with a light that simulated daylight, but it still felt artificial, not even close to morning sunlight on Hoth. Havre looked around and saw that someone had left a new ration on the table. She got up and realized that she had been sleeping in her underwear. On the floor under her bed, she saw ripped parts of her old clothes that were cut when she was operated on by droids.

'Maybe they got me a uniform...?' she said out loud and when she did, the same beeping sound that woke her up reached her ears. She turned around and saw a small black astromech droid standing by her bed. Havre walked up to it and leaned over to get a closer look. The robot was small, reaching maybe to half of her calf. It was built out of shiny black metal into the shape of a flat ball with a loose turning head, on which three circular lenses were placed.

'Must be the messenger droid...' she muttered and the robot's light turned green - a sign that it was ready for a command. 'My clothes?' she asked, not sure if the droid would even know how to react to this command, but it answered confirmingly and rolled past her up to one of the wall-panels. 'Well, okay...' Havre said and followed the droid. When she walked up to the wall, the robot pressed something on a button display, which Havre just noticed was on the side, and the wall slid open, revealing a built-in dressing room. Havre inhaled rapidly and took a step back when she saw what was inside. On the back of the small closet was a dark glass-case. Behind its window, hung a dark armor. Havre slowly walked up to the glass. It was made out of dark matte metal protectors on the chest, shoulders, arms, and knees put over a black aketon. Each one of the hand protectors, that went over a pair of black leather gloves, were armed with a small metal box Havre wouldn't guess the usage of. From its pauldrons hung a large hood and above it a helmet with a mask that had a red glass over the part that covered the eyes. The armor was incredible and terrifying at the same time and it was... a perfect fit for Havre. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. "They have been waiting for me..." she thought. "But... since when?"

Trying to control her anxiety, she pushed that thought away for now. Under the glass-case, she found two buttons, one of them when pressed, opened a compartment with essential undergarment and a couple of regular black robes. When she pressed the other one, an empty stand slid out of the wall.

'Where are my sabers?' Havre asked out loud and the messenger droid responded with a simple negative. 'Oh, right, you're here.' Havre grabbed a fresh pair of underwear and one of the robes. 'So... Where am I?' She asked and the droid displayed a holographic map. Havre changed into the new clothes and looked at the map, whilst wrapping her robes around with a fabric belt.

'What?' She asked, shocked, and walked over to the map. 'The Supremacy Ship?' The droid beeped affirmatively in response. 'Well... Actually that makes sense...' She slid on her old shoes and sat at the table to open her ration.

'What time is it?' she asked out loud with her mouth full of green dry crumbs. Droid beeped "5 AM" in response.

Havre finished up her meal and left the room to go to the bathroom. When the blast door locked behind her, she finally felt somewhat focused. She walked up to the sink and looked into a small mirror hanging above it. Had to be a long time since she deliberately saw her own reflection. She brushed her dark hair with her fingers and she noticed with surprise that the injury on her head disappeared completely. She leaned closer to the mirror and began studying her face. There was no trace of the bruises or scratches, although her old scar that crossed her left cheek and chin was still there. Havre turned on the tap. She drawed the cold water in her hands and splashed it over her face. She took a sharp breath and slowly let it out.

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