Chapter 14

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WARNING: Alot of violence and blood.
You have been warned.

-Forest's P.O.V-
I wake up in a white room, nothing in it only white walls, a camera, and me sitting on a chair in the middle. Gemma walks in holding sharpe objects in her hand and setting them beside me. "Are you cozy?" She asks with a smile on her face. "Why am I here and what the hell did you do with my friends!?" I try to shove myself forward. "Don't worry, they are getting their treatments too." She grabs hedge clippers and puts them close to my fingers. "Gemma tell me why your doing this." I make a fist so my fingers are no longer between the blades.

"Lexi's dad is trying to kill her correct?" She puts a knife on my chest. "Yes, but how does that involve this?" I knew something was up with this crazy woman. "My sister and I are working for him, Sammy isn't the actual bad guy. We are." She pulls my pinky finger out and cuts it off. "Won't be needing that anymore." she laughs as I scream in pain. What the fuck is wrong with her? Cutting my god damn fingers off, I would be on top of her if it wasnt for this chair. "Sammy has been under a spell, so whatever we tell her to do she does it. You could say she's our puppet and we are her master." Before she can do anything else, one of those pigman things burst into the room. "Gemma, it's Michael! He got out of his chair and we can't put him back!" Gemma turns around and looks at me. "I will be back in one second darling. Oh and while I'm gone, try not to get your blood everywhere." She smiles and leaves the room. "Great now I can try to get out." I say to myself while squirming.

-Michael's P.O.V-
"Get off of me!" I shout, eyes turning all black and starting to levitate. I don't show my anger often, but wen I do. It gets alittle messy. "Michael honey, it's time for your treatment." The bitch Gemma looks up at me and throws me at the wall. "I have powers too hun." She smirks and walks towards me. "Guess what. Mine are better." I whisper to her and run to the other side of the room, turning invisible. I grab her arm and flip her over, having her land hard on her back. "I can see you." She laughs and grabs me by my collar and slams me to the ground, beginning to choke me.

I kick her in the stomach and sit on top of her, continuously punching her. I turn visa ble again and my hand forms into a blade. "Goodnight sweetheart, hugs and kisses." I whisper to her as the pigmen storm in. But before the my could pull me off, I slit her throat causing blood to spill everywhere.

"Gemma no!" Emma shouts running in and leaning over her sister sobbing. She walks towards me, slaps me and tells the pigmen to let me go. "Go collect all of your friends and get the hell out! I don't care if you take Sammy, just get the fuck out!" She shouts at me and points at the door. "Maybe if you controlled your psycho sister this wouldn't of happened." I glare at her and get the pigmen to show me and my friends out.

-back at the house, Lexi's P.O.V-

"Im glad everyone is back Okey." As I say that I look at Forest's hand. "What the fuck!?" I shout grabbing her hand and she looks at me confused. "Why didn't you say anything!" I shout at her once more. "I didn't think it was a big deal, you don't need that finger for anything other than promises, plus I have another one." she shrugs and goes to take her hand away. "No, we need to bandage this up idiot." I drag her to the bathroom with me, leaving Felix and Michael alone.


Well it got intense in here today didn't it?
I was excited to make this chapter because there is alot more blood then normal. So thats why I put a warning. Anyways I hope you like it, leave your thought in the comments. Don't forget to vote!
Love you all and I will see you all in the next update!!!

CreaturesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora