Chapter 8

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I walk into a black room and try to feel around for a light switch, but instead collide with another body. I begin to reach franticly to try and grab the person but all I get in return is a laugh, this wasn't just your everyday normal happy laugh, it was a dark evil laugh full of hatred, I knew who was in this room with me and I didn't like it. "Sammy! Why am I here!" I shout trying to feel for her again. "Oh sweetie, do you not know the difference between a nightmare and reality?" She giggles and I can hear her shuffling across the floor and I leap for her. "Got you! Sammy tell me why you are haunting my dreams Every night!" She laughs and pushes me to the wall while turning the lights on. "See Lexi, see your little wolf dead on this floor?" I glare at her and go to hit her but I am stuck on the wall unable to move. "Sammy stop this! Stop messing with my head!" I screech and scrunch my eyes shut to un see the horror that stands apon me.

I wake up from the terrible dream and I'm surrounded by the cold darkness of my room.

A loud bang crashes downstairs and I rush to see what happened, but I saw nothing everything was clean and perfect. I turn around to head upstairs and hear that same horrid laugh, I whip my head back and I'm face to face with the person I hate the most, Sammy. "What do you want now!" I shout at her while standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Your mutt!" She smirks and walks to the kitchen and I follow. "Why! Why do you want Felix?" I slam my fist on a counter near by. "I want him and your friends so I can watch you suffer in pain!" she giggles that annoying laugh and walks up to me. "What did I ever do to you Sammy? Nothing! We where all best friends and then suddenly, you just left us.. why?" I whisper quietly and I can see the little guilt in her eyes but it quickly faded away and was filled with anger. "You guys treated me like I was.. Special! I was just like you but I did one weir thing and you all would turn your back and leave me!" She shouts and starts to cry a bit. "Sammy.. I- Im so sorry I swear if I knew you felt this way I would have helped you." I feel terrible, all of this terrible stuff happened because of me. She left us and went to work with my father to feel welcomed.. "No! I don't need your pity." she turns around to walk away but I stop her. "Samantha, you can come back to us any day." I force a smile but se notices that its fake. "No, Im going to make all of you suffer." she pushes me against the wall and vanishes. "But.. he will kill you Sammy.." I whisper to myself as I fall hard on the floor.

I stand up and begin to walk to my bedroom when I heard my phone go off so I turned around and ran for the living room.

I pick up my phone and it reads "Cheater" I giggled at the name I set for Felix. I open the message and I can't believe what I had just read.

"Lexi please come help me! Remember how I said I wanted to explain? Well I didn't even know what I was doing ok! I didn't feel like my self and I am sorry but I felt like I was under a type of.. spell that's what I was going to say, but please that chick I was with is trying to kill me!"

He is joking with me right? He has to be! There is no way in hell that she is a killer.. but what if she is.. I need to help him! I run to my door, grab my keys and head for Felix's house.

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