Chapter 10

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Felix begins to wake up so I pretend that Im sleeping. I can hear his feet shuffling around and drawers opening and closing.
What in the world is this boy doing?

Finally the shuffling stops and I hear the front door close. I get up and walk downstairs to see a note on the wall.

"I went out to get a friend, we will be back at the house in an hour or so.


I wonder who this friend is, Felix never really talks about his friends. Actually he has once but that was his friend Aleks, he is in Felix's wolf pack. "Maybe he is going to get Jestina or Jesse?" I start to think of all the other people we know until he gets back.

"Lexi!" I hear Felix shout downstairs. "Home, and I got my new friend!" I bolt downstairs eager to see who this guest is, and in my surprise.. It was another girl.

"Aye! I'm Forest." She greets me and goes for and handshake. "Yeah.. Uh nice to meet you too." I mean.. I'm not thrilled, but they are only friends."Felix, may we talk?" I ask him and he excuses us.

"Who is he?" I ask him trying to make sure she can't hear and he just laughs. "Lexi calm down, just because its another doesn't mean i'm going to love her." I wasn't meaning it like that exactly.. I mean kinda but ,I don't know. "No! No! I just mean erm, how did you guys meet." He just continues to laugh at me. "Look Felix! I don't understand what is so god damn funny!" I shout at him getting a little annoyed now. "Lexi calm down! She is just m sister!" He rolls his eyes and walks away. Sister?! What the fuck? Why did he never tell me this?

I walk back out and walk towards Forest. "Hello I'm sorry I just get a not paranoid sometimes." I laugh and she nods. "I know, its understandable all us girls are!" We both laugh at how its the truth. "Well it's good that my sister and girl friend are getting along." Felix smiles at us and heads up stairs for a bit, I guess for us to get to know eachother.

"You know, Felix never really told me he has a sister." I turn around and look at her. "Yeah we hardly see each other because we are different types." She look at her hands and plays with them. I feel bad for asking because I can notice the bit of hurt. "What do you mean by different types?" Isn't just werewolf? "Its not just werewolf you know, there are many types. I just happen to be a werecheetah." I guess there is alot more I need to know then...

I walk towards the stairs and look through the movies. "Hey Forest you wanna watch a movie?" Maybe her, Felix and I could watch one and eat pizza and shit. "Sure why not, whats on?" She hops over the couch and grabs the remote from my hand. "Anything, I will get Felix and then order the pizza ok?" She nodded not looking away from the television.

"Come on guys run god damn it!!" Forest shouts at the TV, She chose the movie The Maze Runner . I have only watched this movie one other time and it was awesome. "Forest calm." Felix laugh as he pushed her off the couch. "How dare you!?" She throws popcorn at him and then pounces on top if him trying to attack him, but he pushes her off once more. She tries again and he went to push her but she managed to crab him, taking him down with her. "Hold still you little shit!" She shouted trying to grab hold of him. "No get the fuck off me!" Felix laughed as Forest squirmed out of Felix's grip.

I gotta be completely honest here, they are adorable brother and sister. I laugh to myself continuing to watch them wrestle.


Hey I hope you are enjoying it so far! Also what do you think about Felix's sister Forest? Do you like her? I do she seems pretty awesome! Lol well ilyasm!! And I will see you all in the next update!!!

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