Chapter 15

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-Months later, Lexi's P.O.V-

"Think fast!" Michael shouts, nailing Forest in the face with a football. Oh you shouldn't have done that Clifford." She starts to chaise him in the yard and I laugh and head to the kitchen.

"Have you talked to Dan recently?" Felix asks looking down at his phone. "Dan Howell?" I smile at the thought of him, I'm not in love with Dan. It's just that he was my role model before I met, I was crazy for Phil and him.. I remember I would always put whiskers on my face, I think I got my weirdness from them too. I laugh at my thought and Felix gives me a confused look before speaking once more. "Well he wanted to know if you wanted to go to his flat, it would be just Phil, Dan, and you." Felix hands me his phone.

To: Dan

From: Felix

"Hey yea sure I will come over!! But it will just be me because Felix wants to spend time wit friends. Oh its Lexi btw. OH also what time?"

To: Felix

From: Dan

"Its cool with me maybe at ten Phil and I will be making a Sims video for Dillmas and we should be done around ten."

I hand Felix's phone back and he starts to rapidly text. "Felix are you okay?" I ask him, without even looking he replies back. "Oh. Erm... Yeah, totally thank you." I can tell he is lying but it's probably better not to know.

"Forest, can we talk?" I hear Michael whisper into Forests ear as they head upstairs. "Hey Im going to head out to see Dan and Phil, See you in a bit!" I shout back at them, grab the car keys, and head for the house.

"Hey we went to the store to get a new camera, Phil dropped ours and broke it. The door in unlocked so make yourself at home."

Was written on a note on the door. I open the door and turn on the lights. "Wow.." I whisper to myself. They have decorated it a lot differently from the last time I was here.

As I was laying on the couch, The door open and excitement went through my body, In till I seen who was standing there.

-Felix's P.O.V-

I was standing in the living room minding my own business, in till I started to hear moans from upstairs. I grab a shoe and throw it at the ceiling. "Shut the fuck up!" I shout and it just gets louder. "I hope its not in my bed." I sigh and head into the woods to give them 'Time' to themselves. "They better hurry their session." I knock on Alecks's door hoping for an answer.


Forest and Michaels, "Session" Seemed interesting. Haha but I all seriousness I know its short but Its for the times I said I would update and didnt.. I hope you like the chapter! Feel free to comment and vote. I will see you all in the next update!!!

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