Chapter 2

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When I arrive at school its just the same boring old shit. You go to class, run around the building all day, and when you forget something in your locker your fucked because your locker is on the other side of the school. So today was pretty much a normal day but there was one thing that changed. There where two new people Jacob and Michael. Michael had dark blue hair and brown eyes.

He dressed in a sweater that was big on him and had black skinny jeans with boots.

Jacob on the other hand had brown hair and blue eyes.He wore a All Time Low shirt, yellow skinny jeans and toms.

They seemed like they already knew each other because all you would ever see them do is talk. Jacob was what you called a "Bad Boy" but Michael on the other hand was shy and silent if he did speak it was very quiet and you could hardly hear him.

-In the middle of science class-

"Mr. Bertolina!" Mr. Howler shouted. "What do you want now?" Jacob asked in an annoyed voice and rolled his eyes. "Stop talking in my class while im teaching, Its the first day of school and you are already making a bad first impression!" Mr.Howler yelled at the annoyed little boy.

"Well you called my last name so of course im going to talk smart one." He glared at the teacher and crossed his arms. Okay so I see how he acts, he would like to be known as the tough guy or "The badass" but to me all I see is a smart ass that I want to slap upside the head.

"Thats it Jacob! I dont have the patience for you right now so go sit out in the hall and I will be with you shortly!" The teacher demanded.

After Mr. Howler got done telling us what we had to do, he went into the hall and shut the door. But next thing you know you can hear screaming from the door and everyone starts to whisper.

"He is so hot!" Jennies whispered to me. "Are you fucking kidding with me right now?" I asked the annoying girl. "What? You don't think so?" She asked with confusion in her face.

I just wish this day would end because I have no time for this shit.

"No! all I see is an annoying little twat!" I shouted at the girl who is now alittle frightened by my action because i was inches away from her face.

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