Chapter 5

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I wake up and no longer feel the warmth that was once beside me so I get up not feeling like getting dressed and go to the kitchen to get waffles.

I go to the fridge and a note is on the refrigerator it reads.

"Hey I am at Justin's house for a party so dont worry about me princess.


Felix :3"

So I guess Felix an I are a thing now? He never actually told me or anything so.. I don't know.. I hope so.

I skip eating the waffles and go straight to my closet to find something nice to wear for the party. I mean I'm sure he wouldn't mind me going because its been about five months since the last party I wen to so, why not?

I slip on my black dress that shows off my curves and I put on black flats, because if I'm there long then my feet would hurt. So its at Justin's house Im pretty sure. I grab my keys and rush to my car.

As I was driving there was a car crash. I seen a woman with long black hair in front of her face and she was covered in blood, her jaw was down to her chest and her arms where like noodles.

It was kind of creepy, but what scared me the most is that she kept eye contact with me and watched my car drive off.

I get to the house and in the window I can see body's dancing, and bright colorful lights. I rush to the door and walk in. As soon as I open the door, big clouds of smoke hit my face and all you could smell was pot, beer, and sweat.

I look around the house for Felix but he is nowhere to be found, so I start to look for Justin. "Hey Lexi! Come here!" I hear a voice shout. I turn around to see Justin and I run towards him. "Hey!" I shout over the loud music. "Try this!" He hands me a drink, but I just smirk at him. "Nice try Justin." I noticed a fizzling pill in my drink. "What? Psh how did that get there." I just roll my eyes and give it so some chick beside me. "Hey uhm.. Did you see Felix around?" I ask trying to break the silence. "Oh yeah! He went upstairs with some blonde haired chick.. It looked like something fun was going to happen!" He laughs and my mouth dropped open and I hit Justin upside the head. "Shut up! Thats my.. Erm- Boyfriend!" I glair at him while he stairs in shock. "Wow! You two!? No way! Get Some!" He laughs and elbows me on my side and I just whack him once more. "Whatever, your drunk." I giggled and he nodded. "Well you better get to him before she does." He winks at me and walks away. I swear that boy is just stupid all together.

I finally find the stairs and there are three doors. I open one that is empty, so I got to the next one. I put my head against the door and all I hear are moans. I bite my lip hoping Felix isn't in this room and I open the door. "Get out" A pair yelled and through pillows at me and I slammed the door close.

I get to the last door scared what I'm about to see..

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