Chapter 1

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I get up from bed and look in the mirror, my long dark blue hair is messy and my eye is swollen from Getting hit in the face with a ball the other day.

I hurried up and put make up over my eye and got ready. I was wearing a Nirvana Shirt with skinny jeans, a beanie, and a pair of my old black boots. I run downstairs to see Felix at the doorway.

"Uhm, hey bro. Why are you in my house? AND how did you get in here?" I ask the mutt. "I came to say good morning, and your door was unlocked." He smirked at me and grabbed my waist to pull me close to him. "Whoa pretty boy! Hands off." I laughed and pulled away from his grip. "Aw, Damn it!" He frowned and walked with me to my bus stop.

"So, why do you just walk into my house like its no big deal?" I glare at him and all he does is smirk. I love the little bastard but man he is clingy, I laugh at my own thoughts and he just gives me a weird look. Im not even sure if we are dating, we never actually decided if we were or if we weren't. I look up at the tall man and just smile at his features. His dirty blonde hair, his blue eyes, his smile, just everything about him is perfect. He looked down at me and caught me looking at him and I quickly turned my head and he nudged me.

We are finally at the bus stop and we just made it because the bus just came so we ran towards the bus and got on. Felix sat by his friend Charlie, and I sit by my best friend Jestina.

"Hey gurl!" She shouted and i just laughed. "Oh hey! Didnt see ya there loud mouth." I giggled and she hit me. "Ouch! what was that for!" I pouted and she glared at me. "You little bish!" She shouted and everyone began to look at us so she stood up. "Everyone mind your own god damn business!" She shouted and the bus driver yelled at her and all she did was laugh. Jestina is one of the popular girls with her sister Jessica but they arnt the bitchy popular girls, they are really nice to almost everyone but this one girl that no one likes anymore ever since she betrayed us all. Her name is Sammy.. its a long story that I might get into later about how she betrayed us. "Hello bish terd meh gurd." She says and I just look at her confused. "What does that even mean?" I asked and she laughed. "I'll tell ya later." she told me and as she said that we arrived at school.

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