Chapter 17

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Felix's P.O.V

"Wake up!" I shout while clashing pans together. "Forest its time for you to get the fuck up and explore!" I get nothing in response so I grab her by her feet and drag her off the couch, and out the door.

"Get off of me!" She struggles as she tries to sit up and grab my hands. "Aw is little Forest upset?" I drop her feet causing her back to hit the ground. "Couldn't you just wake me up like a normal person?" She gets up and shoves me with her elbow. "If pans didnt wake you up, what normal thing would?" She begins to chases me and we slowly go deeper and deeper into the woods until we are lost.

Lexi's P.O.V

"Why do teachers ask what we think the author means when he writes the story? Maybe he means what he says." I sigh annoyed of an essay Im doing for English.

I get up and pull back the curtains from my window and sit in my chair. "Why was I born with powers? Its cool and stuff but.. Its difficult. Maybe my father would treat me normal if I got them taken away.." I turn around to go back to work but there is a girls reflection standing in my mirror. "Hello?" she isn't normal. She is covered in blood with pieces of glass in her skin, her hair is messy and gray, she has black eyes with black liquid dripping from them, and she has a slit in her neck. "Hide yourself." She whispers and her head starts to shake fast.

Next thing I knew she broke through the mirror and jumped on me. Clawing, scratching, slicing, and dicing open my skin causing blood to spill everywhere. I can't move no matter how hard I try I can't. "Felix! Forest! Someone!" I shout, it turning into a whisper. "Someone." The girl crawls away, back into the mirror. Leaving me bleed out onto the floor useless and helpless. Maybe this is my last breath. I close my eyes and just lay there.


Short and sweet I know. Okey.. maybe not so sweet but what do you think? Will Lexi die or will she survive. Guess you gotta find out i the next chapter!
love you all!

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