Chapter 6

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I open the door and I can't believe what I am looking at.

Felix and this blonde chick are making out on the bed. Felix's eyes meet mine and he hurries to get off of her. "So Felix, This is what you do to all of the girls that love you huh!? You go to some stupid ass party and find a fucking slut to fuck!? Well guess the fuck what! I Never want to see you again!" I shout at him and head for the exit. "No Lex-" is the last thing I could hear from me slamming the door in his face.

Tears are streaming down my face and I don't know why for one god damn second I would ever think someone loved me. My mom was right, no one will ever love me, Im just a loner. I feel an arm wrap around my wrist and turn me around. Of course.. its Felix. "Lexi, please let me ex-" I cut him off. "No you can't get yourself out of this one Felix!There is no way in hell!" I shout at him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I want to apologize and just forgive him to make all of this go away, but I'm not going to let this slide.. I can't. Right? "Im sorry Princess." he says and puts his forehead onto mine. "Felix get the fuck off me you prick!" I shout and squirm out of his grip. "Lexi! Im sorry!" I can hear him shout in the distance as I run away from him. I jump into my car and speed off to my house to get away from this dreaded place.

I arrive at home having no clue what Im going to do all day. Sit in my bed with a computer and Ice Cream? No. I need to talk to someone about this I thought to myself as I dialed Jestina's number and begin to text my friend Jesse. If there was anyone in the whole galaxy I would ever want to tell what truly happened, It would be those two because One Jesse is the kind of guy who will listen to what you are saying and who will support you. But Jestina on the other hand she will make you laugh and try to make you feel better, Don't get me wrong though because she will listen to you as well.

I hear the door bell ring and I rush to my door. I hurry up and open it.. but its not my friends, It's Felix. I hurry up and slam the door. "Felix please leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you at all after what you did!" I shout, tears beginning to fall onto my cheeks once more. "Lexi im sorry! Please let me explain!" He shouts back at me but I can't accept him. I know I can't. "Felix just go away!" I shout through the door and he doesn't reply for awhile. "Fine." He sighed in defeat and I could hear him slowly walking away.

God damnit! Why does this have to be so difficult! I dont understand this at all. Should I have let Felix explain, because I really want to know why he did it, who that girl was, and if that was the only reason he went to that party.

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