Chapter 11

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"Walk faster!" Gemma shouts, "We gave you a few days to calm down so now you should be good!" Gemma turns around and just glares at us. Jeez I like Emma way more than Gemma, Gemma is bossy, mean, controllable, and all because she is the 'oldest'. "Okey listen here you twat. You could calm the fuck down or consider yourself on your own." Felix walks up to Gemma with a grin. "You will do as I say or consi-" Forest cuts her off. "Can both of you shut you fucking mouths and keep walking? You at both acting like four year olds fighting over a god damn cookie." She throws her arms up in the air and keeps walking with Emma and I. "Im so happy you are here Forest, we would have had to listen to it all day." All three of us laugh as Gemma and Felix continue to argue.

"Okey! Here we are!" Emma shouts, trying to force a smile on her face. "There is nothing to be happy about." Gemma stares at her little sister in disgust, Emma frowns at the ground and builds a bridge.

We are at a dark house it the woods. Its almost like a cabin, but huge and more mysterious. The windows are all shattered, the wood is all black and molded with some cracks in it, and then the fence is all beaten up. Literally the definition of a haunted house.. it just looks like a death house.

"Skye lives here." Emma turns to us and just stares. "Okey? Your point is?" I ask trying not to sound rude. "You three will be going in there to find her, but be carful. She can turn invisible whenever she wants, also if you see a floating body part then that could be her, she can make certain parts show." Emma smiles and wishes us good luck as Gemma shoves us in the dark house.

"Why the fuck are we in here?" Felix whispers. "I don't know you idiot." Forest remarks and hits him upside the head. "Maybe we should split up." I suggest. Yes I know it never ends good in movies but aye, the faster we find her, the faster we leave this 'Death House'. Both Forest and Felix loo at eachother before nodding.

I begin to walk upstairs and I start to hear whispers. "We are gonna get you, we are gonna get you, we are gonna get you," They continuously started chanting as I walked further up the stairs. I reach the top and a loud crash noise is heard from downstairs, but I continue to search up here. "Skye, please come out.. we need you." I whisper.

~Forests P.O.V~

I turn around to see a chandelier crashed into the floor. "How the hell does this place have a nice chandelier when its a pile of shit?" I second guessed saying that out loud when I got thrown against a wall, Skye must have gotten mad at me since she lives in this. 'lovely' home. "Skye? Can you please come out now? Some sisters want to see you." What is up with those sisters anyway? I mean what have I missed because Felix didn't care to tell me when I asked. "I won't come out." She whispers and it sounds like she is next to me, yet she isn't.

~Felix's P.O.V~

I start to head to the basement. Im guessing that the girls sent me down here cause i'm the boy or they are scared shitless. Im interrupted by my thoughts by falling down the stairs and landing into a chair, immediately getting tied up. "Why is it always me getting tied up and shit!?" I groan as I try to wiggle my way out. "Lexi! Forest! Help! Please i'm kinda, really stuck and could use some help!" Come on damn sister has super hearing and she still can't hear me.

The door slams shut and I can hear it lock. "Welp it looks like I might be here for awhile." I sigh to myself waiting for one of the girls to come to my rescue, again.


Hey guys!! Yes I did put different POV but it's only so you can understand this chapter more! Looks like the girls need to save Felix once more aha. I hope you enjoyed and see you all in the Next update!
Love you xxx

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