Chapter 1 The queen, the capitan and the princess

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A huge robot was making its way toward Bright Moon, running with heavy steps, to get to the castle in time.
"We're almost there!" Entrapta said while she was piloting the huge robot.
Hordette was next to her, holding herself in order to not hit all the sides of the control room.
Finally, when they arrived, Hordette could take a breath of relief.
She got out of the robot and then she said thanks to her mom for the ride.
"But, really mom, I could have perfectly driven alone" Hordette said.
Entrapta made a disagreement gesture with her finger.
"Just because you are almost twenty, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want" Entrapta said "I didn't get the chance to ride one of this babies before my late twenties!" She added, petting the robot like a steed.
Then Entrapta looked for something behind her seat.
"Don't forget your lunch!" She said by passing the lunch box to her daughter.
"Thank you, mom" Hordette said.
The girl was walking to the castle when her mom called her, so she turned around and looked at Entrapta.
"Remember: I love you my beautiful creation!" Entrapta screamed, waving at her.
Hordette smiled and waved back
"I love you too, mom!".
Entrapta said that she would have be back with Hordak, Emily and Wrong Hordak later, hopefully in time for the coronation.
And so she returned to Dryl, while Hordette went to Bright Moon.
Before the girl could enter in the castle, two guards blocked her passage from the main door.
"Ehm. . . hi! I'm Princesses Hordette of Dryl" She said.
"We know who you are, your majesty" said one of the guards.
"But we've recived the order of not letting you in, unless. . ." Said the other guard, a little bit embarrassed.
"Unless?" Hordette asked.
"Unless you say: Finn is the bravest, most handsome and brilliant person that has ever existed!" The guard exclaimed, trying to resist from laughing.
Hordette slapped her forehead.
She couldn't belive it was really happening.
"Ok, fine! Finn -that little brat- is the bravest, most handsome and brilliant person that has ever existed!" Hordette said, frustrated.
She hoped that after that, she could get in, but the guards told her that she needed to say something else.
"You have to promise that you'll built to Finn a cannon arm three times cooler than yours".
Hordette was about to lose her limited patience.
"Say to Finn that they can kiss my way-too-cooler cannon arm! Goodbye!" She was about to leave, but then she heard Finn's laughter form a balcony over the main door.
"Hey, Hordette! Already leaving?" They asked.
"It's fine, guys! You can let her in" Finn said to two guards.
They let Hordette enter in the castle and Finn went down to greet their friend.
"Aww, come here you! I know you can't be mad at me" They openned their arms to give her an hug. Finn was wearing the uniform of the captain of Bright Moon's guards.
Hordette was impassive.
"Is this why you decided to become captain? To make me lose that tiny tiny piece of patience that I have?" Hordette asked, and she hugged them back in the end.
Finn said that it wasn't the only reason why they have becomed captain.
"I also want to make sure this place is safe for my family, and most importantly, my girlfriend!" Finn and Hordette walked together.
"How is she? Is she exited?" Hordette asked.
"Oh, you know Cupid! She gets stressed for every single thing. Today for her, it'll be a rollercoaster!" Finn answered.
As they were walking to get to Cupid's bedroom, Hordette saw someone with a long purple cape walk in the opposite direction.
"Who is that?" Hordette asked to Finn.
They looked back, but there was no one in that corridor other than them.
"I thought I saw someone. . ." Hordette said.
"Hu-hum. Listen: there's already a princess in here that is stressed. Wait until tomorrw to freak out, please!" Finn said by pulling her arm to reach faster Cupid's bedroom.
But Hordette was sure of what she saw.
In that moment, Cupid was getting ready for her coronation.
Glimmer was brushing her hair in front of the mirror, while Bow was helping her with the hairstyle.
Catra and Melog were watching them from the bed.
"Darling, give me those claps, please" Glimmer said to Bow.
"Come on, Sparkles! Her hair is allright. Give her some space!" Catra Said.
"You know, Catra, a little brush to that hair wouldn't hurt you" said Glimmer, pointing the brush at her.
Catra got up from the bed and went next to Cupid.
"Cupid and I don't need that! Look at you, Cupcake. You're outstanding! And you're going to be the best queen of the day, no matter what your hair looks" Catra brushed her cheek with Cupid's.
Then they all heard someone knocking at the door and Finn and Hordette entered in the bedroom.
"Mom, dad, aunt Catra, could you please excuse us?" Said Cupid with extreme calm.
Glimmer and the others went out of the bedroom, so Cupid could finally breath and let off steam with Finn and Hordette.
She freaked out as Finn said she would; she walked in circles and bited her cape.
"You are doing it again" Finn told her.
"I know! I'm so stressed! Today anything needs to be perfect!" Cupid said.
Finn hold her hand and kissed her cheek.
"Don't worry! We're here for you. It's my duty as captain to protec you! And it's my duty as your sweet half to look out for you".

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