Chapter 5 The thief of the Crimson Waste

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Hordette and Catra were walking around the marketplace.
All eyes were on them and Catra wasn't feeling calm about it.
There was probably a headmoney on her after all those years.
She even saw someone's tail stealing something from a stall.
"Maybe we should go" Catra whispered to Hordette.
Even Melog wasn't calm.
Hordette was looking at the objects on the stalls. There were a lot of pieces of tech, that were probably stolen by the machines of Horde Prime, the only things that remained of him.
Her attention was captured by a covered wooden crate, disguised as a stall. So she got closer.
Catra told her to be careful.
"See something you like, dollface?" The seller asked. He was the insect-man with the eyes of the same color of mucus and with a missing arm.
"This parts" Hordette said "Where did you find these?".
"I don't have to tell you where I get my goods. You want to buy something or not?" The insect-man replied.
Hordette looked his mucus eyes and made a smile.
"I was asking because it seems like you don't understand the real value of this objects" She used some pieces of the stall to her and assembled in ten seconds a mechanical arm for the seller.
In that moment, everyone was looking at her.
"Who are you, golden hands?" The man asked to the girl.
"My hands are not made of gold and I'm not a dollface!" Hordette said "I'm a princess!".
Catra covered her face and mumbled that it wasn't really happening.
"A princess!?" One of the other sellers laughed at Hordette
"You don't look like a princess at all!".
While the seller was laughing, someone in a cape stole something under her nose.
"I might not look like the other princesses to you, but I can assure you that I am one them!" Horde said with confidence.
Catra, who initially thought she was talking crazy, made a proud smile when Hordette said that.
And not only Catra did it.
The thief under the cape looked at Hordette and listened careful to her.
"All my life people have tried to convince me that I was different, as if being different would make me less valuable. But look at me! It appears to me that nobody has took me down yet! I am a princess in my own way!" She said, head held high.
In an moment, everyone pointed a weapon at her.
"If you're a real princess, you must worth a lot of money!" said the insect-man who she just gived a new arm.
Catra quickly grabbed his mechanical arm and broked it to let him go of the weapon that he was threaten Hordette with.
Catra protected the girl behind her.
"Stay away from us!" She said to those lizardmen.
Suddenly, one of them fell on the ground and another one was took down with his own bat.
It was the thief under the cape who did it, to help Catra and Hordette.
"Don't make me do all the work!" The thief said.
Catra took care of the others.
She knock out another lizardman, helped by Hordette, who easly lifted two of them and threw them on a stall.
"Follow me!" Said the thief to Catra and Hordette.
They escaped and hid in a secret passage carved into the rock, hidden by a simple cloth of the same color of the wall.
When they were sure that nobody was after them, the thief lit a lantern.
"Thank you" Hordette said to the thief, who gived to them a saddlebag with water.
"You two must be most stupid people on this planet!" the thief said while they were drinking.
Catra almost spitted the water when she heard her sassy voice, it was very familiar to her for some reason.
"Lonnie?" Catra asked before she saw the green tail that came out from the cape.
The thief took off that cape and showed her face to them.
It was a girl, with amber skin, a big nose and brown, frizzy hair.
She had green flakes on her face and in her hair.
"Lonnie is my mom. My name is Silver: the most skilled thief of the Crimson Waste!" Said the girl.
Through that passage, Silver brought them in her secret lair.
"What are you doing here? Two princesses in a such bad place like this isn't something usual!".
"We're looking for help" Hordette said.
She told her what happed to Brigh Moon.
"I see. . . That's why our leader, Huntara, didn't come back. My parents are keeping an eye on this land but we need her here" Silver was worried for the safety of her parents and of her home.
She told them that she wanted to help them defeat this Skeletor and make Deman free all the people that he had crystalized, including Huntara.
Catra told her that it might be dangerous for her.
"Too bad! Because I don't think you'll go far away without my help" Silver showed to them what was in her lair: an old space ship of Horde Prime.
Hordette gasped so loudly that it made an echo, and her eyes were sparkling.
Her reaction meda Catra laugh.
"What?" Hordette asked.
"Nothing. You really are your mother's daughter!" Catra said.
Hordette couldn't resist.
She had to get inside the ship to check it out.
"This ship is a bit run down, but it's reparable! I need some spare parts" Hordette's head emerged from the hatch.
"Just give me the list, and I'll bring you all the parts you need" Silver said.
After telling to Silver all the things she needed, Hordette started her work.

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