Chapter 23 We're going home

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Hordette appeared in front of him, with Imp on her shoulder.
Skeletor first looked shocked when he saw her, then he made a huge, uncontrollable laugh.
"I can't belive this!" He said, trying to hold back the laughter "Deman told me about you, but I couldn't imagine that somebody really had a baby with a clone!".
Hordette looked down at him, with an unipressed face: she had heard worse.
"You laugh too much for a man who has lost everything" she said.
"You freak! The prophecy was wrong! I'm still here, as you can see. I will return, stronger, with more allies! And I shall make you all bow to me!" Skeletor said.
"No" Hordette replied.
Skeletor looked confused.
"My family and friends were crystalized because of you. You deserve the same!".
She took out her arm cannon and gived it a last look.
"I've finally figured out why Evil Lyn gived me her power". Hordette pointed her cannon at Skeletor.
"And my father isn't a clone like the others. He's name is Hordak".
That was the last thing that Skeletor heard before Hordette shot him.
His blue eyes frozed; his muoth remained wide open in a cry of rage, or maybe fear.
Skeletor's whole body turned into crystal.
When the crystallization was complete, Hordette gived a little push with her hair at the statue and Skeletor fell from the spike.
He shattered on the ground with a soft sound.
After that, Hordette turned around and walked away.
Her and Imp reached the surface and they found their friends and the Magicats, all together at the entrance of the castle.
"Hordette!" Finn was full of joy when they saw her.
They jumped into her arms to give her a big hug and Cupid did the same.
"How many times do you want to scare us like this!?" Cupid cried.
Hordette said that she was sorry for making them worry.
After Finn and Cupid, it was Silver's turn to greet Hordette, but instead of an hug, she slapped her back.
"I knew I would see you again, dollface!" The girl said.
"She's good at survive in this occasions" Catra said, coming closer to the girls.
Her and Hordette exchanged a look.
"You ok?" Catra asked to her with her eyes.
Hordette answered, by nodding once.
The girl saw Deman next to Adora: she had her hand on his shoulder, the first gesture of love that he had recived in a while.
"Ready to see our home again?" Adora asked to the boy.
Deman said that he was ready to go with them.
Before returning to Etheria, they had to bring back the Magicats to their planet.
Once they all got on board, the ship with they arrived on Eternia was full.
"I pilot Sebastian!" Hordette said.
Catra laughed "Sebastian?".
"Of course! An old, elegant spaceship like this deserves a proper name" Hordette said.
"I think it fits well" Adora said.
Deman asked if he could pilot and Hordette said that she had to do it first.
"But you definitely have done it before! I want to do it!" Deman said like an annoyed baby.
"No, I didn't! Therefore, I must pilot Sebastian!" Hordette yelled with even more infantility.
It seemed like they were taking the siblings thing very seriously because they started fighting for who was going to pilot; they yelled, pushed each other, and pulled their hair.
Since they were too busy fighting, Catra took the opportunity to sit on the commander' seat and took off the spaceship.
They brought the Magicats back to their home.
The hunters returned to the cave with the secret slide.
"Thank you for the help, Felitia. We couldn't have done it without you" Catra said to the leader.
"Definitely!" Larry said before diving inside the slide.
"It was the right thing to do" Felitia said.
Catra took off her elmet and gived it to her, as a reminder: she didn't know when she could come to see them again, but that wasn't a goodbye for sure.
"You and the girls will always be welcome on our planet. Thank you for showing us light" Felitia said to Catra, Silver and Hordette.
When also Felitia slipped inside the secret passage, they returned to the ship and with less that they expected, they arrived on Etheria.
Once in Bright Moon, Deman placed himself in the center of the throne room and raised his scepter.
The crystal that kept prisoned the guests vanished, and everybody was set free.
Glimmer and Bow looked at each other, surprised.
"Adora? Catra? What happened?" Glimmer asked to them.
"You were crystalized by a powerful sorcerer" Carta said.
"But he set you free" Adora added showing to them Deman, who was standing next to Hordette.
"Hi. . ." The boy babbled.
"Intruder!" Glimmer screamed.
"I saw him!" Bow replied, screaming even louder.
All the princesses ran toward him.
Hordette stepped in front of Deman with her arms open, in order to protect him.
"Guys, wait! This is Deman, my nephew" Adora said to her friends.
Everybody looked astonished.
"Well, that's a story that I would like to hear!" Frosta said a little bit sad because she couldn't punch Deman.
So, meanwhile Adora and Catra were telling to their friends that incredibile story, Hordette went to her family.
When Entrapta saw her daughter, she ran to hug her.
"I've found your note, mom. I love you so much!" Hordette said with tears in her eyes for the happiness.
Hordak went to her and caressed her cheek with the scar on.
Imp jumped out of her hair and he sat on Hordak's shoulder.
Hordette grabbed Deman with her hair and placed him in front of her father "This is Deman!".
The boy looked at Hordak, who had an incomprehensible expression.
"Welcome on Etheria" Hordak said.
Deman and Hordak shook hands.
Then Hordette heard someone calling her name: it was Rose Bud.
When Hordette picked her up, Rose showed to her the little robot she gave her before she was crystalized.
"I took care of him, like you asked!" Rose Bud said.
"Thank you, Rose" Hordette smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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