Chapter 11 Prove yourself

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In the same time that Adora was learning the truth about her family, Catra belived she was learning the truth about herself.
Felitia had just told her that she was a Magicat.
"She can't be one of us!" Larry said "She's so little! And she smells too good!" .
"Oh, thank you. I had a bath three days ago" Catra said like it was something to be proud of.
"See! She's too civilized!" Larry continued to say to the leader Felitia "She couldn't even spot our traps. Probably her eyes don't work as good in the dark as ours do!".
Felitia said that those things didn't prove anything.
Maybe she was just a little bit different.
"Spotting traps and smell nice are nothing compared to the strength that a Magicat has in the vains. And there's just one way to make sure she has it" Felitia looked at Catra again.
"That is, of course, only if you want to prove us who you are" Felitia was playing with one of her ears.
Catra thought for a moment if it was worth to try.
Then she looked back at Silver and Hordette, who were both saying no with their heads.
"What if I refuse?" Catra asked.
"We'll eat you all" Felitia answered with a smile.
Worried, Catra looked again at the girls, who were now nodding.
"We'll do it!" Catra said .
"Then follow me, to the arena!" Felitia exclaimed and all her people esulted.
Catra, Silver and Hordette were brought to the arena of the Magicats.
They had to go through a test to prove that they were worthy to be there with them, and if they failed, they would have to face the consequences.
The Magicats leaved them some time to prepare.
"When I joined you in this rescue mission, I didn't knew I had to die for the fun of some big, ugly cats!" Silver said to Catra.
"Stop complaining! Okay? We can do it!" Catra was training with a spear. About time she haven't used one.
"Oh! It's a we, now?!" Silver yelled at her "Because for a moment I thought you were going to accepted only to show off!".
Catra looked at her very angry, but Silver didn't care.
She took one of the weapons that were gived to them and whispered to Hordette:
"If we're lucky, none of us is going to die today".
Hordette wasn't listening to her. She was worried about how much time this stupid test would take them.
They didn't have all the time in the world to save her friends.
Deman brought Finn and Cupid to their rooms, that were just cells with beds.
"Soooooo. . . We are cousins!" Finn said to Deman.
The boy growled and openned one of the cells' doors.
"Enter in!" He ordered.
Finn entered in as he said.
Then Deman openned the other cell for Cupid.
The girl looked at Finn.
"Can't we stay in the same cell?" She asked.
Deman didn't understood why she was asking something like that.
"Of course not! Now get in!" He pushed her inside.
After that Deman leaned his back on the wall between the cells of Cupid and Finn.
He needed a moment to think.
"Why were so surprised when your dad said that Adora was his sister?" Cupid asked to him.
Deman growled again.
"You had no idea. Did you?" Finn said.
Deman turned to them and said that it wasn't their business.
Then he leaned back on the wall and suspired.
So Finn asked something else to him.
"Why didn't you said anything to those monsters that were making fun of you? I bet if your dad had heard them, he would have been angry".
"No. He wouldn't" Deman said "He belives that this treatment makes me stronger, like it worked for him. . ." .
Finn and Cupid almost couldn't belive it.
"How can a person become stronger by being bullied?!" Cupid yelled.
"Your dad can't seriously belive in something so stupid!" Finn said.
Deman initially agreed with them, but then he thought that it was just a trick to get him on their side.
"Silence!" He punched Finn's cell "You don't know me at all! My dad wants me to become stronger, because he expects me to be a great king, like him!" He took his scepter and walked away, leaving Finn and Cupid in their prisons.
Catra, Hordette and Silver were ready to face the test.
They walked in the field of the arena, armed with a spare for Catra, an arch for Hordette and a slingshot for Silver.
The Magicats had gathered in the stands to watch.
Felitia was in the place of honor, from where she could see everything.
Next to her, there were Melog and Imp, both tied to leashes.
"So, what's the game, sis? You want us to climb on a tree? Capture a mouse?" Catra asked to Felitia.
"Something like that" the woman said "Free the king of rats!".
Some Magicats openned a cage from afar, using ropes.
The girls heard squeaks coming from the cage and a little mouse with two heads came out to give a look around.
"Aww! That's so cute!" Silver said, putting down the sling.
Catra grabbed the little mouse from its tail.
"Is this your king of rats? How sad!" Catra said.
Hordette was the only one who still had her weapon.
Her ears kept hearing sounds from the cage.
And then Catra heard it too.
"It's coming!" Hordette said at the others.
A giant rat with three heads emerged from the shadows of the cage and it made an horrible sound.
Catra and Silver took up their weapons.
"Hordette, go to the left! Silver, to the right! I'll take care of the center head!" Catra said.
The three of them separeted to take care each one of a head.

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