Chapter 20 Finally together

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In the same time, in the throne room, another battle had already started.
The Magicats were fighting against the brutes of Skeletor, while he remained on the sidelines to watch.
Catra jumped off of Melog and fought alongside with Felitia.
"Don't worry about me! Go save your woman!" The leader said.
Catra nodded and let Felitia take care of two brutes by herself.
Felitia grabbed their heads and smashed them against the other.
After that, she made a huge roar.
Catra was running toward Skeletor and Adora.
In her way, a brute that came out of nowere, tried to hit her with his cudgel but Catra didn't got hurt because of her armor.
"Hordette, you really have golden hands!" She said before punching the man.
"Who's that?!" Skeletor said looking at Catra.
"That's my wife, little brother! And if you dare to thouch her, I'll do this to your neck!" Adora kicked his hand and made him lose his sword.
Without that, Skeletor couldn't take her powers.
And so Adora freed herself, she rised up her hand and said:
"For the Honor of Grayskull!" Her sword appeared and she transformed into She-ra in front of her brother.
"Take her!" Skeletor ordered to his brutes, so that he could search for his sword.
With only one move, She-ra swept them in a gust of wind and then she went to help her wife.
She rushed toward the man that was fighting with Catra, grabbed him from behind and literally threw him away.
"Adora!" Catra jumped into her arms to hug her and they kissed.
"You're amazing, Catra! How did you find us?" She-ra asked.
"You know me! I always find a way to see you" Catra answered.
They continued to fight together. She-ra wanted to know who were those cat-people that were helping them.
Catra said that they were the Magicats.
"And who's that tall-lady-cat you were fighting with before?" She-ra asked a little bit jealous
"Don't get the wrong idea. She tried to kill me!" Catra said.
"Oh, great! Another greetings card for the holidays to make".
Cupid and Finn finally arrived to join the battle.
Cupid was flying, holding Finn in her arms.
"Man, this is even more cool that I thought!" Finn said.
"You ready to kick someone's butt?" Finn asked to their girlfriend.
"Always ready!" Cupid answered.
She literally threw them on a brute and when Finn got up, they saw a monster flying toward Cupid.
"Hey, princess! Watch out!" Finn took the weapon of the brute they just fall on and threw it at the flying monster to save Cupid.
"Thank you, my brave commander!" Cupid said and Finn sent her a kiss.
When Finn reunited with their moms, they hugged each other in front of their perplexed enemies.
"Where's Hordette?" Catra asked to Finn.
Hordette was supposed to find Finn and Cupid and then return with them.
"I think she's facing Deman" Finn said.
"Where?" Catra asked, hoping that she wasn't where Catra was thinking.
"They're right upstairs" Finn answered.
"Damn!" Catra was right all long.
"What's wrong?" She-ra asked what was the problem.
Catra said that their plan was to trap all of the brutes in the throne room, so they could escape. They wanted to blow up the ceiling with the sparkling dust.
"If the ceiling goes down, Hordette goes down with it!" Catra tried to allert the Magicats to don't fire up the amount of sparkling dust that they previusly set up.
"Hordette is up there! Don't do it!" Catra was screaming from afar, moving her arms in the direction of Larry, that was trying to figure out what was saying.
"Hello there? Do it?" That was what Larry understood.
"Well, hello there too!" Larry said, waving at Catra.
Then he took two rocks and fired up the sparkling dust.
On the next level of the castle, Hordette and Deman kept fighting against each other.
This time, Deman was the one who had to run away to avoid the girl's shots.
"How did you learn the crystal magic!?" Deman asked to Hordette after one of her shots almost got him.
"I didn't need to learn it. Your mom gived to me this power so I could face you!" At least that was what Hordette belived.
Deman looked at her, shocked.
"My. . . My mom?" He stammered, lowering his scepter.
"But that-! That's impossibile! My mom died when I was a kid!" Deman had a sudden flashback of the moment when Skeletor gived to him his mom's scepter, after telling him that she had killed herself rather than be with them.
"He lied to you, Deman! Your mom is alive! Skeletor took her scepter an left her on a planet. She couldn't escape her prison of crystal, so she asked me to help you!" Hordette explained to him.
Deman looked at the scepter.
His arms were trembling and his eyes were so openned wide that it seemed like they were about to splash out.
"No. He wouldn't! Not to me. . ." He was saying to himself.
Hordette put back her cannon.
"I'm sorry, Deman" she said by coming closer to the boy.
Deman finally closed his eyes and left a powerful scream out, that it made Hordette step back.
Deman raised his scepter once more to her.
"This is all your fault! Leave me alone!" He tried again to shoot at Hordette and this time, he got her right in the shoulder.
Her arm was slowly crystalizing and it was so painful for her that she knelt down.
Deman didn't imagined that he would have actually got her when he fired.
The boy had such a sad look on his face.
He was trying to find the force to finish her.
Deman and Hordette looked in the eyes for an istant.

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