Chapter 4 Calling for Skeletor's help

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Hordette gived a look around: there was nothing but desert that surrounded them from every side.
"We need to start walking" She said to Catra.
"Where do you want to go?" Catra asked to her.
"We can't stay here, or else we'll die" Hordette answered "Even if it appears you are so good at survise in this occasions!" She said through gritted teeth.
Catra realized that she was talking about that time Hordak has sent her in the Crimson Waste with Scorpia.
"Yeah. . ." Catra said after remembering.
"Come on, Melog. It's time to go" Catra said to them and Melog becomed smaller to let her carry him into her arms.
Catra and Hordette walked for hours, under the burning sun.
They were thirsty and tired, but they didn't said a word to each other until Hordette spotted a place that looked like a town, protected between two mountains.
"Lets go there" She said turning back to Catra.
"Oh, sure! We can buy ourself some nice clothes, sit on table and order two piece of cake and a cream milk. . . We're in the Crimson Waste! Most of the people here are criminals!" Catra yelled.
"Do you think I don't that?! My father came in this desert hundred of ears ago! He was capable of forming a whole army with people like that!" Hordette said.
Catra had a sudden realization when she told her that.
"Wait, Hordak sent me in this place even if he knew it wasn't just a desolated land?" She asked to Hordette.
"Well, he thought you wouldn't survive in here anyway. . ." The girl said "He understimated you back then".
"It happed to me a lot in the past" Catra said after doing a little laught.
Hordette walked toward the town and Catra was right after her, with Melog in her arms.
It was more a marketplace than a town: there were a lot of people, most of them lizardmen and other despecable subjects like that.
In that moment, not much far away from Etheria, Deman was trying to make his spaceship go faster, but whithout one of the radiators it was impossibile.
He was so angry!
"That freak should pay for this!" He said.
Since there wasn't anybody on the ship who could fix it, Deman had no other choise than call his master for help.
"I really hope he's in a good mood" he said while he was contacting Skeletor.
The screen above the commander' seat turned on and it showed Skeletor.
He was a man with a black and violet cape; his face was covered by a silver mask, shaped like a skull.
He was on his throne, surrounded by his brutes.
"Greetings, almighty Skeletor!" Deman bowed to him.
"Deman" Skeletor said with a deep voice "So long you haven't call. I was afraid someone took off my most trusted servant".
"I'm really sorry, master! The search lasted more that I expected. . . But I did it! I found the one they call She-ra and captured her!" Deman said.
He knew that it was better to tell him the good news first.
"And the heir?" Skeletor asked.
"Captured as well, master!".
Skeletor smiled: with that mask on, the only thing that could be seen of him was his mouth.
"Excellent job, Deman. I'll be waiting for you at home, and the prisoners of course" Skeletor said.
"Wait! Uhm. . . There's another reason why I called you!" Deman mumbled.
Skeletor wasn't smiling anymore.
"What is it?" He asked.
Deman swallowed.
He explained to him that the ship was damaged and he needed his help to get back home.
"An Etherian was able to damage your ship?" Skeletor asked.
"It wasn't just a simple Etherian! It was a ghastly being! A girl that was half Etherian, half clone!" Deman explained.
Skeletor laughed so hard.
An half-clone child was something so ridiculous to him.
But when he stopped from laughing, he angrily stared at the boy.
"You're telling me that a half-clone damaged your ship, and now I have to expose me and my whole kingdom to bring you back?" He got up from his throne and came closer to screen.
"I-! I captured She-ra and the heir!" Deman stuttered.
Skeletor was still mad at him.
"I'll bring you back home! But this was your last mistake, Deman!"
The boy was keeping his head down.
"Understood!?" Skeletor screamed.
"Yes . . . Dad" Deman answered.
Skeletor closed the call and the screen went off.
Deman was so scared and angry.
He promised that if he would see that half-clone girl again, he would have make her suffer for that.
In another part of the ship, Adora and Cupid were patiently waiting for Finn to wake up.
When they openned their eyes, they realized that they were prisoned.
"What-?" Finn mumbled.
"Finn!" Cupid exclaimed and hugged them.
"How do you feel, dear?" Adora asked to them.
"Mom? Where are we?" Finn was very confused.
When they noticed that Adora was imprisoned in the crystal, they quickly moved next to her.
"Mom, what have they done to you!?" Finn tried to free their mom's hands from the crystal.
"Finn! Don't worry about me" Adora said, pointing with her head at Cupid, that was holding herself in fear.
Finn went to hug her and told her that they would be alright.
"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you" Finn told her.

She-ra: Heirs of Etheria, Skeletor's RiseWhere stories live. Discover now