Chapter 7 Eternia

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Deman waited patiently for his dad to come and save him from that embarassing situation.
He was sure that Skeletor was still mad at him for making a scene in front of his allies.
The thing his father hated most, was to look weak in front of his underlings.
And with that call for help, Deman made him very angry; he wasn't supposed to call for help.
After all, it didn't happed often that his dad was there when he needed him.
But this time Skeletor couldn't just ignore him, because he had She-ra.
"He can't leave me here forever! He wouldn't!" Deman was saying to himself.
Deman couldn't concentrate on his thoughts because of the noise  that was coming from the cell where the prisoners were trapped.
So Deman went right to their cell to make them be quiet.
"There you are, you caward!" Finn said to him when he arrived "Why don't you open this cell so we settle this in the old way? Without that fancy stick of yours!".
"How dare you!? You naughty noisy cat! This scepter is one of the most powerful objects in the intire universe!" Deman replied.
"Hah! I bet it's so easy to brake!
I could use it to open that big head of yours!" Finn said.
"You wouldn't even get the chance to come close to me! You detestable plague! I'd notice you right away, because you are so loud!" Deman yelled.
Finn and Deman started to argue about how one would tear the other apart.
Cupid found it kind of pathetic to watch.
"Enough!" Deman screamed and beated with his scepter on the ground.
"You are lucky that Skeletor wants you alive, or I would have threw you into space by now!".
That sentence made Finn finally shut up and allarmed both Adora and Cupid.
"What- what does he want from Finn?" Cupid asked.
Deman smiled and said that he wouldn't told them anything, because it was better as a surprise.
The truth was that his dad haven't told him why he wanted She-ra and Finn.
When Deman returned to the commands room, Adora continued to try to break the crystal that was bloking her hands by hitting the bars of the cell with all her strength, but it wasn't working.
Deman could hear her hitting the wall; it was even worst that the laments of her child.
When she stopped, Deman heard another sound, coming from outside the ship.
Adora and the others heard it too. It was something huge, that was coming that way.
Deman looked outside and saw a shiny star that was getting closer to the ship.
He smiled, because his dad has finally arrived.
The spaceship landed on what was actually a planet, as bright as a star.
The planet was smaller than Etheria, anyway it had so many castles and towers, and they were all shining in white.
The ship landed next to the tallest and brightest castle of them all and Deman went to collect the prisoners.
He brought them out of the ship, but first he crystalized Cupid and Finn's hands as well.
"Try to keep your mouth shut for now on, understood?" Deman said to Finn "For the safety of both of us" he added.
The doors of the castle openned and a host of brutes came out.
They were so noisy and gross.
After them, a man came along.
"That's Skeletor?" Cupid asked.
"Yes. The greatest of all time!" Deman said.
Adora looked at Skeletor.
She saw his blue eyes under that skull mask and she had the weird feeling that he was familiar.
Skeletor and his brutes surrounded Deman and the prisoners.
When Skeletor made a sign, no one dared to make a sound.
Then he went right in front to his son.
"Welcome home, Deman" he said to the boy.
"It's nice to be at home" Deman said, smiling but looking down.
Skeletor gived a look at the prisoners, one for one.
When he saw Adora, his pupils became little as two sand grans and his chest swelled.
"Welcome-" Skeletor whispered without even realizing it, stearing at Adora.
Everyone looked at him.
"Welcome on Eternia!" He exclaimed and all his brutes screamed in euphoria.
Skeletor apologized to Adora and the others for the rude invitation.
He acted friendly but he was just playing with them.
Skeletor also said that they were not his prisoners, they were his guests and they were about to visit his castle.
"If we're guests, then why don't you free our hands?" Finn asked to him.
In that moment, Deman wanted to hit them with his scepter.
Skeletor smiled and petted their head "What a fighting spirit! I like this one!".
Skeletor gived an order to all his servants, that no one could harm them.
His "guests" were brought inside the castle, to the throne room.
There was a throne in there, alright, but it was so dark and desolating.
Skeletor sat on his throne and the brutes sat around some tables, full of food that was prepared just for them.
Adora, Finn and Cupid didn't get the chance to eat anything but they had to assist to the feast.
Those men ate like hungry, ferocious beasts.
Deman, who was sitting in the closest spot next to his dad, didn't touch his food and eventually all he had in his plate was stolen and devoured.

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