Chapter 17 Love, power and hate

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Catra, Hordette, Silver and the Magicats went out of the ship, derected to the castle of Skeletor.
They stood close and walked quickly.
Hordette told to Imp to fly to the prisons.
"Tell our friends that we came to save them" she said to him.
Imp flight and reached the prisons.
There was only one thing that Catra and Felitia hadn't calculated during the battle plan: two brutes with cudgels that were on guard at the entrance of the castle.
"I can take care of those two" Silver said.
"Are you sure?" Catra asked to her.
Those big monsters seemed pretty strong.
"I'll distract them, so you can get in!" Silver walked away from the rest of the group, reveling herself to those brutes.
She came closer to the entrance, whistling, like there was nothing weird; just a girl casually walking toward the door of the castle.
She even said hello to the brutes, who were confused at first, but then they remember why they were there for.
They blocked her way and angrly asked what she was doing there.
"Forgive me, gentlemen. I recived a message from Skeletor. He wants to see me immediatly!" Silver said.
She was a very good liar for sure, but the two men weren't convinced by her performance.
"Skeletor never wants to see anybody!" One of them said.
"Alright then! You want to see the message he sent me?" Silver acted like she was searching for the message, when she was actually making a sign to the others to enter in.
Catra and the Magicat hunters sneaked next to them and entered inside the castle.
Skeletor ordered to bring Adora to him. It was time for him to take She-ra powers.
Adora was brought in the room with the portrait of her family on the glass window, where Skeletor was waiting for her with his sword.
Deman was there with his dad.
He freed Adora's hands from the crystal.
After that, Skeletor told him to go to the prisoners and take care of them.
"Make sure you don't mess up this time" Skeletor said to Deman.
The boy went out of the room and lived his dad alone with Adora.
"I'm not going to give you my powers! You can't force me to transform into She-ra!" Adora stood up and rubbed her numb hands.
"You won't do it for your brother?" Skeletor asked with a sad muzzle "Then I guess I'll have to convince you!" He rushed toward her with his sword.
Adora moved in time and rolled on the ground.
"Adam, stop!" She screamed.
Adora got up and tried to take his sword.
"You'll never have the power of She-ra!" She said.
"I've already won! There's no one left to help you!" Skeletor replied.
He belived that he was right, but there was someone that was ready to save Adora, Finn and Cupid.
Catra and the Magicats were in his castle and they were setting the trap for the brutes.
They placed the sparkling dust on the floor, in the center of the throne room.
Hordette said that she was going to find Finn and Cupid.
"Be careful" Catra told her.
"Don't worry, I'm hard to kill!" Hordette said.
She would have come back for them once she had found her friends.
In the meantime, inside their cell, Finn was trying to brake the bars, using the crystal around their hands.
Finn hitted the bars harder and harder, but it didn't work.
"Damn it!" They exclaimed, falling on their knees.
Cupid knelt down next to them.
"We'll find another way to get out of here" She said.
"It's pointless! Even if we break free and find my mom, we would be doomed! We can't escape from this castle by ourself!" Finn started to cry and apologized with Cupid.
"I'm sorry, I failed you. I couldn't protect our home and I couldn't protect you! I shouldn't be a captain".
"Finn. . ." Cupid gently kissed their forehead.
"You don't have to apologize. You can still save everybody and me, you just need to trust yourself. My brave and loyal warrior" Cupid said by looking at them in the eyes.
Finn didn't shred other tear after what she told them.
They got up and Cupid did it as well.
"You're right!" Finn said.
Cupid looked at them all proud and smiled, full of love.
Suddenly the two of them overheard a sound of wings flutter, coming from the little tube in which passed the air in their cell.
"Did you hear that?" Finn asked to Cupid, who nodded.
They knelt to the floor again, to listen careful: something was going up the tube.
They even heard some screeches.
Finnally, Imp's head popped out from the tube.
"A giant bat!" Cupid screamed, jumping on her feet.
Imp made his way out of the tube by himself, then he walked toward them.
"Stay back, you little creature!" Cupid intimated him by almost kicking him.
Imp spread his wings and flew above them, repeating random voices.
It was Finn who first recognized the voice of their friend Hordette.
"Wait, Cupid. I think this little creature knows Hordette" Finn said.
Imp landed in front of them and repeated what Hordette told him before he got in that tube.
"He really knows her!" Cupid said, so happy to hear the voice of her dear friend.
Imp also repeated Catra voice and even Silver voice.
"Mom is with Hordette!" Finn said.
"And with a girl we don't know" Cupid added.
Catra and Hordette came to save them. They were not going to fight alone.
But before they could be glad about it, the bars of the cell openned up and Deman walked in.

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