Chapter 12 Agitations

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Silver quickly picked up some rocks and hit one of the heads of the rat with those.
Hordette tried to shot an arrow and it fell.
"Oh, come on! I've seen Cupid do this hundreds of times!".
The Magicats were laughing at her.
So, Hordette took another arrow and she threw it with her own hand.
She hit the rat in one of the eyes, which made it scream louder.
Now that two of the heads were distracted and the giant rat didn't knew who to attack, Catra jumped on the center head, holding on the dirty gray fur of the beast.
"What is she doing!?" One of the Magicats asked.
"She's riding the king of rats! That's unbelivable!" Another one said.
Soon all the Magicats were cheering for her.
Catra heard them cheering and was happy about it.
But when the beast had enough of her, it went crazy and tried anything to make her get off: it started to jump, shake and even roll on the ground.
Catra couldn't hold herself for much longer.
When she left go and fell from its head, the king of rats finally had her in front of its nose.
"Catra!" Silver screamed.
The rat openned all of its three mouths. The beast was so close to eat Catra, but then Hordette shot ai its back with her arm cannon.
The monster rat moved away from Catra and turned to Hordette.
"Don't even think about it!" She said.
The rat ran toward her, so she shot again, in the face of the center head.
Hordette shot at the beast until it returned to its cage, squeaking like an hurt, tiny mouse.
The doors of the cage were closed and all the Magicats exulted, but this time they weren't doing it for Catra.
Felitia got up from her seat, clapping her hands.
"Congratulations, ladies! That was quite spectacular!" She said.
Without saying anything, Hordette pointed her arm cannon at her and shot.
Felitia was fast enough to dodge the blow, which hit the wall behind her and destroyed it.
No one in the arena couldn't imagine such a thing.
Felitia looked at Hordette.
"This was all your plan, wasn't it?!" Hordette yelled "You didn't want to know if Catra was one of your kind, you wanted that rat to eat us!".
Felitia smiled at the girl.
She jumped from the bleachers and landed in front of Hordette.
The leader grabbed her arm and lifted it up.
"People of mine, hear me out! This girls from outer space are no longer our prisoners! By defeating the king of rats, they earned their freedom and our respect!".
Hordette looked at her, confused.
"Now they are our guests! Let's celebrate them!" Felitia said.
The Magicats people exulted again.
"What's you name, brave warrior?" Felitia asked to Hordette.
"I'm Hordette, Princess of Dryl" the girl answered by putting her cannon back in her arm.
Felitia shook her hand to let her know that she respected her courage.
Then she looked at Silver and asked her name as well.
"I'm Silver! The best thief of our world!" She said, so proud of herself.
"I noticed that you're a fast. That's a good quality for a fighter" Felitia also shook her hand.
At least, Felitia looked at Catra, who was expecting to recive some compliments too.
The woman didn't said anything to her, she just had a disappointed look on her face.
"Follow me, girls. I want to right my wrongs by offering you our food" Felina said.
Hordette, Silver and Catra were brought in front of a large bonfire.
The Magicats offered to them their seats and bowls of a groundbait with an unusual smell.
"What is this?" Silver asked to Larry.
He had changed his mind about them after their fight with the king of rats.
"It's a bird pate! The birds used to make it, were captured by us hunters" Larry said.
"Isn't there something else to eat instead of this?" Hordette asked.
"Of course there is! We also have dried lizards and roasted bats".
The two girls turned white for a moment.
They said to him that the bird pate was fine for them, and when Larry went away, Hordette told to Silver that she still had her lunch box.
"There should be some ration bars left. . . wait, where is it?" Hordette couldn't find her lunch box.
She saw that some Magicat kids had it and they were eating all her ration bars.
"Hey! That doesn't belong to you!" She got up and took back her lunch box, but all the food was already gone.
One of the Magicat kids was even trying to eat a piece of paper.
"That's not food!" Hordette carefuly took that piece of paper out of the kid's mouth and she saw that it was a note of her parents that said: "Have fun socializing! We love you!".
There was also a drawing of their faces, certaily made by her mom.
By reading that note, Hordette feel very sad: she immediately thought about her family.
Would she ever hug her parents again?
Would she ever bake a pie with her uncle or have a chat with her sister again?
She wasn't the only one who missed her family.
Alone, playing with her bowl of pate, Catra was thinking about her family.
Finn and Adora were all she thought about that night.
The Magicats gived to them some hammocks to sleep on, but Catra couldn't sleep at all.
She jumped off the higher up hammock, above those where Silver and Hordette were sleeping.
Melog also woke up with her and they both walked away, sure that the others haven't heard them.
Catra didn't knew that Hordette was awake too.

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