Chapter 14 The crystal sorceress

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Felitia brought the girls to the one who once knew Skeletor.
"She may help you with the paw of your friend" Felitia said looking at Melog, in Catra's arms.
The Magicats leader, Catra, Hordette and Silver were walking in a gallery. They wanted to reach the outside, and they were lighting the way with torches and the pink light stick of Hordette.
Silver was sleepy and she yawned a lot.
They four of them reached the surface of the planet: the dawn was rising in the sky and the light bothered their eyes a little, after all that time in the dark.
In front of them, nestled between the mountains, there was a meteor, shining in the dawn ligh because it was made of pure crystal.
Felitia walked toward the meteor and the girls followed her.
They entered in that giant piece of crystal through a crack, big enough to let them in.
Thanks to those torches and the light stick, they could see were they were going.
The inside of that meteor was like a maze, but Felitia seemed to know very well the way, for she had already been there several times.
Finally, they arrived in a room almost free from the crystal, and where the light was coming from a crack in the upper part.
In the center of the room, there was a woman, whose body was half crystalized.
Only her head and a half of her bust was free.
She had a really dark skin, and an angular face; half white half purple hair and clear eyes.
Felitia came closer to the woman.
"Hello, Evil Lyn" Felitia said.
The woman trapped inside the crystal smiled and greet her too.
"Welcome back, Felitia. I was wondering what was keeping you so busy" Evil Lyn said looking at the people behind her friend.
"My guests, they came from the outer space. They said that Skeletor took their friends" Felitia told to her.
Evil Lyn sighed.
"I'm sorry for your friends. It's in part my fault if Skeletor took them".
Evil Lyn told them her story.
She was one of the most powerful sorceress in the universe; her abilities were the power of crystal and predict the future for the others.
She had met Skeletor when he was only the young king of Eternia, known as Adam.
The king align with the brutes and he also made Evil Lyn one of his most trusted servant, but then, after he becomed Skeletor, he thought she wasn't useful for him anymore.
So he took her scepter and used it angainst her.
"He banished me and left me on this planet that he thought was uninhabited" Evel Lyn was telling them "Felitia found me not much time ago. She visits me once in a while to help me overcome the loneliness".
Hordette felt really bad for Evil Lyn. Her story reminded her of her father's.
"You said that it's in part your fault if he took my family, so you must know what Skeletor wants from them!" Catra said.
Evil Lyn confessed to her that a long time ago, Skeletor asked her to predict his future.
"His destiny is to perish by the hand of the heir of who caused Horde Prime's defeat".
Catra started to shake in fear.
She thought that Evil Lyn was talking about She-ra as the one who defeated Horde Prime, and Finn as the heir.
"Skeletor is willing to do anything to chage his fate" Evil Lyn said.
"Adora wont let him do anything to Finn! When she'll trasform into She-ra, she is going to-!" Catra was saying before
Evil Lyn interrupted her.
"My dear, that's what Skeletor expects her to do. If Adora becomes She-ra, there will be no She-ra anymore!".
Skeletor showed to Adora his sword: the hilt was made of silver and the blade was a dark crystal.
"Impressive, isn't? I wanted it to look just like yours, but I guess that's impossibile. You and I are different, just like our swords.
In fact, your sword can give, mine can only take!".
Skeletor said to Adora that he was going to drain She-ra's power out of her with his sword.
"Once our swords touch, all your powers will be mine, and I'll be the most powerful being the universe!".
Adora tried to make her brother desist.
"Adam, please! You can't to do this! We're a family!".
"Family?" Skeletor repeated.
"We are siblings! We have the same blood! We're the same!"
Skeletor grabbed Adora from her jacked and lifted her.
She looked at his blue eyes, so much similar to hers, and yet so cold.
"We aren't the same. I had to suffer so many terrible things to get where I am now! And I won't let your child ruin it all!" Skeletor let go of Adora and he ordered to his brutes to take his sister to her cell.
"Wait! Let me go! Adam! Adam, please!" Adora was calling him while those monsters were dragging her away from that room.
Deman arrived and saw how Adora was being taken away by those brutes.
He felt bad for her but he needed to talk to his dad about the other prisoners.
"What are you going to do with the heir?" The boy asked to Skeletor.
"It's too dangerous to keep them as our prisoners. That's why you're going to use your magic" Skeletor said.
Deman felt scared after hearing that. Use his magic against a member of his family?
Was he really that cruel?

She-ra: Heirs of Etheria, Skeletor's RiseWhere stories live. Discover now