Chapter 6 Still not totally fine

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Hordette looked inside some boxes to find the tools that she could use to repair the ship.
She got scared when something jumped out of the box where she was looking in.
The thing flew in the shadows above her head.
Hordette was hearing some random voices coming from the creature, that suddenly jumped on her face.
Hordette tried to get it off.
When she did it, the little creature openned its mouth and voices came out.
"Entrapta! Hordak!" Those were the only things it was saying.
"How do you know my parents, little one?" Hordette asked to the little creature.
By giving a better look at it, she had a flashback, a memory of Hordak that she had as one of her own.
"Imp! It's you!" She said out of loud.
Imp made an happy sound and his wings fluttered.
Hordette hugged him and said that she always wondered who was Imp.
In that moment, Silver returned with the things that Hordette needed.
"You met Imp!" she said "He's a good listener but you can't keep a secret with him".
Hordette went back to work, with the help of her new little friend.
Catra walked around her all the time; she had no idea what she was supposed to do.
She kept checking out on Melog, who was trying to make their powers work even in that conditions, but with their paw crystalized they couldn't become invisibile.
And then Catra saw Silver, chilling in the corner.
She told her that they needed supplyings for the trip.
"The food is inside those boxes right there" Silver said without loosing her comfy position.
"Then bring them on the ship!" Catra told her.
Silver burst out laughing.
"Oh, you were serious?" She said noticing the look on Catra's face.
"Sorry, I'm very tired after colletting those parts. But you haven't done nothing useful yet, so you can do it" Silver said.
Catra almost couldn't belive it.
"I said: you do it!" She ordered.
The girl looked at her.
Silver was face to face with Catra.
"I don't get orders from you! If you want the food to get inside the ship, bring it yourself.
Or else starve! As if I care" and then she returned to her comfy position.
This time, Catra was seriously speechless.
When she was Force Captain, no one would have talked to her like that.
Silver made her understand that she wouldn't have done it, so Catra had to bring those boxes on the spaceship by herself.
After a couple of hours of repairs, the ship was finally ready to fly and the supplyings were all aboard.
Catra had just brought the last box inside the command room.
"See? It wasn't so hard!" Silver told her when she get inside.
Catra answered with a tired groan.
"Let's see how far can this baby go!" Silver sat in the commander's seat.
"Wait, who said you're the one who's going to pilot the ship?!" Catra asked.
She made the girl get up from the seat.
"The ship is mine and so I pilot it!" Silver replied.
"As the oldest, and the only one who actually was in space, I'm going to do it!" Bow had taught Catra how to pilot a spaceship during the their journery across the galaxy.
"You have a point, but I don't care. I'm going to do it!" Silver said by grabbing the seat.
Her and Catra had a little fight for that seat.
When Catra thought she had won and set down, Silver showed to her that she had her brooch, the one that Adora has gived to her.
"Give me that back!" Catra yelled.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist!
Faster hands in the Crimson Waste, you know?" Silver had a malevolent smile.
Catra tried to jump on her, but the girl moved fast and ran away.
Catra chased her inside the control room, trying to get her brooch back.
When Hordette, Imp and Melog entered in the room, they all had the same surprised face.
Catra finally managed to get Silver: she pushed her against the wall and blocked her arm.
"Now- give- it- back!" Catra said with short breath.
Silver slowly openned her hand, but she didn't have the brooch anymore.
She lived it on the ground and Imp quickly took it.
He flew all around the room and then he perched on Hordette' shoulder.
The brooch was in her hands now.
"Yes! Throw it to me, Hordette!" Silver told her from the other part of the room.
"Don't do it!" Catra said.
Hordette looked at both of them, then she looked at the object that Catra wanted so desperatly.
"It must be very important to you" Hordette said.
Catra nodded.
Hordette smiled: she seemed intended to give it back to her.
When Catra walked toward her, to take her brooch, Hordette said:
"Go to get it!" She threw the brooch out of the control room.
"No!" Catra ran out and picked it up, only to realize that what Hordette just threw was an old bolt.
"Hey, Catra~".
Catra looked behind her and saw Hordette with her brooch.
She got up and ran toward the girl, but before she return inside the control room, Silver closed the door in the middle.
"Open this door!" Catra yelled and angrly punched it.
She realized that there was no need to get mad like that; the girls wouldn't open the door to her if she kept yelling like that.
So she sat down and did the only thing that was left her to do: meditate to calm herself, like Perfuma would suggest her.

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