Chapter 16 Preparing for the battle

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Hordette needed raw material for the weapons and so Felitia had the idea of using the crystal of Evil Lyn's meteor.
They formed a Magicat chain to bring the crystal from the meteor to Hordette, who immediatly went to work, helped by Imp.
Hordette built a lot of crystal armors, then she worked on changing the retrograde weapons.
She stopped for a minute and looked again at her arm cannon.
Then she thought about what Evel Lyn asked her to do, to help Deman.
How could she help him?
She didn't even know how to feel about him. After all, he tried to kill her and he kidnaped her best friends.
Hordette sighed and suddenly someone grabbed her hair.
"Hey! Who's-?" She looked back and saw three Magicat kids behind her.
One of them was holding a piece of mud, shaped like a ration bar.
The kids wanted to give it to her, because they were sorry for eating all her food.
"This is how you want to apologize?" Hordette knelt to get the mud bar.
"Kids, the problem is not that you ate my food. The problem is that you did it without asking first. It's wrong to take something that doesn't belong to you; Frosta taught me that!" She explained to them, smiling.
The kids looked at her with their big, glowing eyes.
Hordette saw that there were other Magicat kids, playing with her tools and the material.
"No! Don't touch that!" She said to a kitten that was playing with the point of a spear.
"That's not food!" She said to another kid that was about to put a tool in his mouth.
"Don't play with that!" Hordette couldn't stop in time a kitten girl that was playing with an hammer. The poor baby hurted one of her fingers and she started to cry.
Hordette picked up the little girl and tried to calm her.
"There, there! Don't cry. I know what to do" Hordette remembered a trick that her mom used to do whenever she got hurt when she was little.
It always worked to make her feel better.
"First, I scan the wound. Bib, bip, bip" she said acting like she had a real scanner.
Then she blowed on the finger
"This will help eliminate dangerous germs!" And in the end she gently rubbed the wound to make the pain go away.
The baby wasn't cry anymore. She belived that the trick was working.
"And now, I'll show you what my father used to do" Hordette threw the hammer to the ground with all her strength and she stepped on it, several times.
"That's what you get for hurting my baby!" She said and all the other Magicat kids exulted.
Meanwhile, Catra, Felitia, Silver and the hunters were studying a battle plan.
They gathered around the bonfire, using a long crystal as a model of Skeletor's castle.
"Evil Lyn said that the castle is a tower with many levels. The prisons are in the tallest part, so the only way to escape is facing all the brutes that wander around the castle" Felitia explained to Catra.
"We must reach the prisons.
If we radunate all the brutes in the same level and we stop them for good, someone can sneak away and get there" Catra suggested to attrack the brutes in the center of the castle.
"How?" Larry asked to her.
Catra said that they could use the sparkling dust.
"But we need a lot of it".
"Say no more. Come on, my brave hunters!" Felitia and the others went to collect a mountain of rocks to make galore of sparkling dust for their plan.
Once the dust was ready, Hordette had finished her work.
She gived to the hunters their new crystal armors and crystal weapons.
She also made a battle armor to Melog.
"I think you could use this" Hordette gived to Catra an elmet, similar to the one she used to wear when she was a force captain.
Catra wore it with her new armor.
Before leaving the planet, Hordette said goodbye to the Magikids.
"And remember: if something hurts you, smash it on the ground" That wasn't a great advice to give to some kids.
They left.
By following the directions of the detector, they were able to find Skeletor's planet.
"It's your moment, Melog" Catra said to her friend.
Using their powers, Melog turned the ship invisibile, so that no one could see them coming.
Catra landed the ship not much far away from the castle.
"The ship will be visible again and they'll see it, so when we get out, we can't go back on board" Catra said to the leader.
"The retreat is exclused. Got it!" Felitia said without a doubt or fear.
They were all ready for the fight.
Deman returned to the prisons, and he made sure that nobody was keeping an eye on him.
He stealthily arrived to the cell of Cupid and openned it.
"Deman? What are you-?" Cupid was asking him what he was doing there, but the boy told her to be quiet.
Deman brought her in Finn's cell, that was right next to hers.
"Cupid!" Finn rushed to their girlfriend and hugged her, even with their hands blocked by the crystal.
Deman stood apart.
He finally got why they wanted to be together: they were in love.
"Thank you" Finn told him.
"It was nothing. . ." Deman said a little embarrassed.
He had the need to do something nice for them after what his dad told him.
More the boy was seeing his cousin being happy with their love, more he was understanding that he couldn't turn them into a crystal statues.

She-ra: Heirs of Etheria, Skeletor's RiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang