Chapter 10 Twins of Eternia

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During the feast for the capture of She-ra, some brutes tried to make fun of Deman.
"So, Deman, why aren't you celebrating with us your return?" One of them said, grabbing him with one of his six arms.
"Yeah! You captured She-ra and the heir. It was you, right?" Another brute asked.
Finn and Cupid were listening.
A monster with the mouth bigger than his head -and probably than his brain- sat next to the boy and ate the last piece of food that was in Deman's plate.
"Did you do it with your pretty, fairy wand?" That brute laughed at him and so did the others.
Deman didn't say anything: he just sat in his spot in silence, and so those men continued to make fun of him.
"Maybe, if you were more like your dad than like your mom, you wouldn't have been humiliated by a half-clone girl!".
Deman was trembling for the rage, but he still didn't talk back.
Finn and Cupid did it in his place.
"Excuse me, but the girl you called an half-clone -like it was something bad- is our best friend!" Cupid said "And none of you would stand a chance with her!" She added.
"Besides, he doesn't have a fairy wand: he has a scepter! A very powerful weapon and you should'n understimate him: he defeated the Princesses Alliance with that!" Finn said.
Cupid looked at them.
"-And that was so wrong! We're gonna kick you butt for that!" Finn clarified to Deman.
The boy actually appriciated their help, even if he couldn't figure out why, they were enemies.
After the feast, Skeletor said that he wanted to know exaclty how She-ra defeated Horde Prime.
"I've heard a lot of stories about how it went, but hearing it from She-ra herself is another thing".
Adora told him that she wouldn't tell him anything.
"What now? The Princess of Power is shy?" Skeletor laughed and so did his brutes.
Adora took the chance to get up and grab Skeletor's neck.
It was so easy with her hands blocked by the crystal.
The brutes surrounded her; Deman took his scepter, ready to shot at her to help his dad.
"Stay back!" Adora intimated them.
Skeletor was suffocating.
"I had enough of this little game of yours! Me and my child and my daughter-in-law are going home!" Adora yelled.
"A-Adora. . .!" Skeletor was trying to tell her something "Ado-ra! Please! Yo-you can't k-kill your brother!" Skeletor finally said it.
Adora left him go and she backed away, almost hitting the throne.
Skeletor was rubbing his throat.
"That's right, Adora. Heh. . ." he said with a choked voice "I am your brother".
Cupid and Finn gasped in the same time.
Deman almost dropped his scepter after that revelation.
He was looking somehow even more shoked than Adora, who was shaking her head in denial.
"No! How is this possibile?" She said "If that's true, it means that this is-? Eternia is my home planet? The same planet where Mara came from?" That wasn't making any sense for her.
Skeletor ordered to Deman to bring Cupid and Finn in their rooms, while he had a chat with Adora.
Deman did as his dad said, but first he gived a bad look at him.
Skeletor took Adora in another place of the castle and she offered no resistance.
They entered in an almost empty room, where there was only a colored glass window, with the picture of the past sovereigns of Eternia.
The king and queen were holding two identical babies, their names were written below the window in first one's language: Adora and Adam.
"Those are-?" Adora couldn't finish the question.
"Those are our parents" Skeletor said with a sad voice.
Adora knelt to the floor and started to cry, staring at the window.
Her mother looked so beautiful, and her father was radiant.
They both looked so happy.
Skeletor knelt next to her; he took off his mask and showed his face to his sister: it was like looking in a mirror.
"Please, tell me something about them" Adora asked to his brother.
Adam told her all that he remembered about their parents.
He told her, that their mother died when he was little, not so much longer after the day she disapleared.
Their father tried to raise him as better as he could alone.
"He said that the day our family's portait was done, I couldn't stay still. I almost fell from our mother's hands!" He laughed a little and he was able to make Adora laugh too.
"And then, there was you. Always smiling. Always as perfect as everybody know you would be" Adam seemed a bit jealous.
Adora looked at him
"Why did you brought us here?" She asked to him.
Adam suspired.
"When our father died, I had to take all the responsibilities of this kingdom. I was only fourteen years old when I became king. To defend the throne of our father, I had to ally with the worst scum in this universe.
Oh, and the things I did to survive!" Adam got up and walked back and forth.
"When Prime was finally gone, I thought I could have my moment to shine. I thought that my kingdom didn't have to hide anymore! . . . And then I learned what the fate has in store for me"
Skeletor put his mask back on and looked down at his sister.
"My destiny is to be killed by the heir of the one who caused Horde Prime's defeat".
Skeletor knelt next to his sister again, and he made her look at him.
"You deafeated Horde Prime, Adora. Your child is destined to kill me".

She-ra: Heirs of Etheria, Skeletor's RiseWhere stories live. Discover now