Chapter 22 Two swords

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"Let me help you with that" Deman said to Hordette.
He placed his scepter close to her arm and the crystal disappeared.
Hordette's arm wasn't hurting anymore.
"That's very fascinating!" She said.
Hordette called Imp and the little creature climbed on her hair and reached her shoulders.
The two teens started walking together to find a way out of that place.
Skeletor was still looking for his sword.
After the floor above collapsed, that room was even more chaotic than before and he just kept rummaning through the debris and the dust.
He was so desperate to find it, he didn't even realized that She-ra was coming for him.
She was right behind him when he felt the cold silver of the hilt of his sword.
"Adam! It's time to end this!" She-ra said to her brother.
Skeletor laughed a little
"You're right. Let's finish this!" He quickly got up, holding tight his sword.
She-ra threw away her sword and she returned to be Adora.
She could only dogde his blade.
"You're just slowing down the inevitable! I'll have your powers and after that, I'll be unstoppable! I'll no longer need to surround myself with the scum of this universe!" Skeletor was saying.
They were very close to the edge of the precipice where Hordette and Deman had fallen.
"Adora!" Catra called her and threw at her the spear.
Adora catched it and with that she could respond to the attacks.
From afar, Finn saw one of their moms fighting with Skeletor.
Finn wanted to help Adora, so they called Melog, who was trying to scare away some brutes. When Melog came, they jumped on their back.
"Bring me to Skeletor!" Finn said and Melog started to run in the direction of Skeletor and Adora.
Suddenly the floor started to shake again.
Both Skeletor and Adora looked at the precipice and saw something that was coming out, very fast.
It was Deman!
The boy was on the top of a crystal mountain that helped him emerge from the ravine.
Everyone stopped fighting to look at him.
"My son!" Skeletor said with open arms "Deman, I'm so glad you're alive!".
Deman looked at his dad, kind of annoyed.
"You know I was down there, and you didn't even try to help me?!" Deman said, looking down at the edge where his dad was standing, right next to Adora.
Skeletor started to mumble.
"B-but I-! I knew you could get out of there by yourself! Deman, if I helped you, everyone would have thought you're weak. As your dad, I did what was right!".
Deman tapped once with his scepter on the mountain and made it become even bigger.
"You did what was right for your! You only care about you! Even those men you surround yourself with know how pathetic you are! Because your fear of looking weak is what really makes you weak!" Deman screamed to his dad.
"And I'm so done with you, old man! You may be my dad, but you're not my master! And from now on, you're not part of my life either!" Deman decided to help his aunt and the rest of his family.
He pointed his scepter at the brutes and started to crystalize them all.
And those brutes who tried to escape, they were defeated by the Magicat hunters.
"Take them down, my brave hunters! Make sure the purple haired boy doesn't forget any of them!" Felitia said to her people.
"NO!" Skeletor screamed, looking at his army, turned into statues.
"Looks like you've got a part of your wish coming true, Adam" Adora said to him.
Skeletor gritted his teeth and let out a growl of anger.
Then he turned to Adora.
He no longer greed She-ra's power, all he wanted was to get ride of her.
Adora tried to defend herself with the spear but Skeletor kicked it away, just like she did with his sword before.
Adora was defenseless and Skeletor looked like an enraged beast.
He raised up his sword over his head.
"In a way or another, there's going be only one of us! Goodbye, sister!" Skeletor said.
From the rubble behind Adora, Melog jumped out, with Finn on them, who had the sword of She-ra in their hands.
Finn jumped off of Melog and hitted Skeletor in his face with the sword.
Skeletor left go of his weapon and backed away. He was creaming in pain and holding his face that was dripping with blood.
"My face! My face!" He repeated.
Skeletor had his eyes covered by blood and he didn't saw the end of the precipice.
"Adam!" Adora screamed, running to catch him.
Finn blocked her and Skeletor fell down, with a scream that echoed in what was left of the throne room.
Deman saw his dad falling, but just like Skeletor didn't do anything to help him, he would have done the same.
Cupid hugged him.
Finn finally let go of Adora, and she knelt to the ground.
"Mom?" Finn said.
Adora looked at them: she had a tear that was sliding on her cheek, even if she was smiling.
"We have won, dear!" She said "We can go home now!".
Finn knew Adora was hoping that things could have ended in another way.
Catra came closer to them and she hugged her wife and their child from behind.
In that moment, down, in the dark dusk where he had fallen, Skeletor was alive and hanging on a spike.
He wasn't dead as Evil Lyn's prediction said he would.
He made the effort to climb on the spike and took off his mask, which had a crack where Finn had hitted him.
It was when he belived he could have reached the surface that he heard footsteps coming his way.
Skeletor glimpsed the figure of someone with glowing, fucsia eyes.

She-ra: Heirs of Etheria, Skeletor's RiseWhere stories live. Discover now