Chapter 2

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        As the short male led me towards the big guy's office- I looked around staring at the pictures that kids drew. Which I found cute to be honest. I stopped noticing a picture that had me drawn in it. I was holding a child's hand as the child was bloody and it's eyes were both bandaged. I sorta felt creeped out.
        "U-umm s-sir?" I heard the male question which brought me out of my trance. I looked towards the- what I assume is 5"2 male. I stared at his green eyes and smiled, "Sorry I was just looking at the pictures, they are so unique," I said trying to hide my uneasiness which thankfully didn't show. The redhead walked towards me and smiled, "yeah they are unique, the boss lets kids hang their pictures on the walls so that way when they return after a few years they can remember what they did," he said without stuttering for the first time.
        I chuckled making the shorter male look at me blushing embarrassed, "w-we should hurry," he stuttered leading me to the office. I was slightly thankful that I finally met some nice people here. Well, that male with really dark purple hair wasn't so nice, but his voice was a bit intoxicating to me. 'I will never look at a British person again,' I thought to myself. I noticed a kid was being yelled at by an adult. Probably for climbing onto the stage or walking off.
~15 minutes later~
        I got my uniform on, it was a baby blue button-up, with black dress pants, and a black-tie. I had my hair tied in a braid, my bangs only slightly covered my left eye as I wore a hat. I had a walkie-talkie, a flashlight, a taser gun incase if someone tried to rob the place- I don't know why anyone would rob this place but oh well- and I also had a toolbelt, and my pocket knife my dad gave me. The pocket knife is a tac-tool really light, sharp, and easy to handle when in emergencies.
        As I walked out of the changing room I saw the other employees with Mr. Emily staring at me in awe. "What?" I questioned.
        "That fits you quite nicely," Mr. Emily said walking towards me. "Yeah!" said the guy with a phone on his head. I stared at him in question on how the hell he can see through that.
        "He does look pretty handsome," a female voice stated, I turned to see a beautiful female with blonde hair and green eyes. Mr. Emily chuckled, "hey there Vanessa," he said towards the lady.
        Vanessa smiled, "Hey there Mr. Emily, anyone mind telling me who the newbie is?" she questioned after greeting the tall brunette.
        From the aura, I am getting from everyone I feel like I am gonna be in hell... Yay...

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