Chapter 4

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        "Mr. Emily- sir, if it's about William I didn't shove him into the suit I swear on my mother's grave," I said in a slight panic. Henry's eyes widened and he chuckled slightly, "no, it's about you being moved to the night shift. You get to work with Mr. Afton," Henry stated pointing towards the look-alike. I looked towards the male staring at him. He looked like William only difference was his crazed purple eyes, his disturbing smirk, and the scars on his forearms and neck.
        "S-sir... are you sure about your decision?" I asked. I saw my boss nod his head, "Mr. Afton will be showing you the quirks of working the night shift," he patted my shoulder walking away. I watched him walk away before looking towards Mr. Afton. I stared at him some more, noticing the slight stubble of hair on his chin, he had bags under his eyes, his clothes were slightly wrinkled and torn as if- he didn't take care of them.
        I inhaled and exhaled before getting a pat on my shoulder by Vanessa, "Oh- hey Vanessa," I said smiling slightly. "Nervous?" she asked me. I nodded, "I don't do well on any night shift," I mumbled.
        "Oh- I'm sorry I think...? only time I was on night shift was when I first started working here... a lot of stress," she said. I stared at her for a moment before sighing. I walked off with too much on my mind. I was scared. What if I turn up dead as William did?
        I looked at the time realizing my shift ended when the police came up. I'm guessing that tomorrow I start the nightshift with Mr. Afton. In my opinion, I prefer the day shift. I don't want to look as crazed as he did when I first saw him. It's like he never let the sun touch his skin. He is so pale. Heh, Mr. Emily and Mr. Afton remind me of the sun and moon. Maybe I was put on the nightshift for a specific reason.
~the next day~
        Last night I regret pulling an all-nighter so that I could sleep during the day. But- here is the downside I can't sleep during the day! "Ugh!" I groaned in annoyance as I tossed and turned in my bed. "Why can't I sleep!?"
        "Ever tried melatonin?" Brandon asked me as he played with my speaker which was luckily turned off. I glared at the floating male, "of course I did," I said with attitude. Brandon chuckled and looked at me curiously, "are you on your man period?" he asked trying to hide his smirk behind his silver wings.
        I groaned and shoved the pillow above my head. Though every time I close my eyes- I always see Mr. Afton's crazed look in my mind. Then I thought about William's body... it looked fresh like this morning fresh... I really need to see who would want to kill William. Yeah, William didn't seem like he cared but he was nice towards me as the other guards did.  
        Mike, showed me which alcohol was best to drink before your shift starts. Jeremy, showed me what chemicals to use when there was a tough stain on the floor or on the animatronics for some reason. Scott showed me how to use the phone if I ever was on the nightshift which I was glad for that. Felix showed me where things need to go if I ever was a janitor. William showed me how to use the cameras and how to avoid getting attacked from behind. It was as if he was paranoid when he worked day shift after night shift.... I feel sorry for William.
        I finally closed my eyes smiling as I remembered the fight between Mike and William. How Jeremy and Felix tried separating the two before things got worse. I on the other hand recorded it so that I had blackmail about William talking shit about Mr. Emily as Mike talked shit about Mr. Afton. That could get them fired and I don't know if I could consider that blackmail. By the time I was done thinking about the fight I was out like a light.

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