Chapter 5

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        Beep- Beep- Beep- Beep
        My alarm clock beeped. I groaned not in the mood to deal with this shit. I looked at the time tiredly seeing the digital clock say, '6:30 pm', I got up immediately thinking I was late- but I remembered that I go in at 8 so I got two hours till then.
        As I got ready I realized that I can still have dinner as long as my uniform doesn't get ruined. I looked at the kitchen tempted to make myself a taco salad. Not the average taco salad but a taco salad.
        Ok- so I walked into the kitchen. Got the hamburger out of the fridge after I grabbed a wok. I placed the wok on the stove and put the hamburger in the wok. I turned the stove on high and started using a spatula to chop the meat as it was cooking. Little did I know it was raining outside. The rain pounded against the glass against the windows of my house. All I heard was thunder. I despise thunder and I also despise how strong the wind gets as it rains.
        I decided to put on my playlist the first song to start playing was State of My Head by Shinedown. I sang along with the lyrics as Brandon watched. "M/N your singing is lovely!" he said in glee. I smiled, "Thanks Brandon," I continued with cooking the hamburger. As I finished that I grabbed a bowl, spiced the meat up, crushed up the Doritos- you know the drill.
        When I finished making my dinner I went to the dining room to sit down and eat. The next song to start playing was Unstoppable by The Score. I thought Brandon sat down in front of me but turns out I was wrong when I looked up. I saw William there staring at me with a bored look. "Fuck me-" I mumbled with a mouth full of the salad.
        A slight chuckle was heard from the silver-eyed male. He had devil horns and a tail. "I wouldn't say that around me darlin~," he purred. I shuttered when his cold hand ghosted over my warm one. "Can I help you, William," I asked, wanting to change the topic. He nodded, "Yeah watch my kids over for me," he said. I stared at him as if he was crazy, "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I shouted, "Don't you have a wife!?"
        William shook his head, "She doesn't want anything to do with them," he told me. I sighed, "I guess-" before I could finish there was a knock on my front door, "what-," I asked confused as I got up and walked to the door. Slightly disappointed I wasn't able to finish eating my food. When I opened the door I saw Mr. Afton with 3 kids. One being a teen and the other two being the kids, "Can I help you?" I asked.
        "Yeah, I read the note on my brother's desk and he said that he wants you to watch over his kids, Henry won't, Rachael said she would never come near these 'Heathens' and the others are too busy," Mr. Afton stated looking at me dead in the eyes. "Uncle Vincent? What is his relationship with my daddy?" The little girl with beautiful jade green eyes questioned looking at who I assume is Vincent then at me.
        "I don't know but I know I'll be helping him watch over you three~," He said with the same smirk I saw yesterday. I grew uncomfortable as I asked one question knowing the answer already, "So.... are you guys all ready to move in...?"

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