Chapter 7

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        Elizabeth clung to my legs as I watched Vincent walked out. I looked at Elizabeth, "I'm gonna go check on Michael ok?" I said. I was worried he did something to the young teen. She nodded and followed me as I walked out and towards Michael's room. Where the sobbing could be heard from.
        When I opened the door I saw Michael in the corner of his room crying and bleeding. I ran to him as Elizabeth cried from the scene she saw from her older brother. I picked him up and told Elizabeth to get in the car with Chris. From what I see, Michael's eye is ripped out, his arm is broken, and he has a deep gash on his abdomen. He's trying so hard to stay awake as I took him out of the room and to the front door.
~2 hours later~
        I was in the waiting room with Chris and Elizabeth in my arms asleep as I waited for the doctor to come out. "M/N!" I heard Henry call out. I looked at him with red poofy eyes, "Hey..." I said quietly, it was currently 12 am and we left at about 10. I messaged Henry telling him I might not make it to my shift since I had to deal with things. When he asked why I wasn't gonna make it- I sorta said that we were at the hospital. 
        "Is he gonna be ok?" Henry asked me, "I don't know... we are sorta waiting for the doctor..." I said. He sat down next to me. As he did I just noticed the little girl that was behind him, "Who's this?" I asked. "Oh- this is my daughter Charlie," he said patting his lap. I watched charlie crawl into his lap and yawned cutely. "So adorable," I cooed at the bundle of cuteness.
        "I know..." he said as he held her close. As soon as she was asleep the doctor walked out. "Is he gonna be ok?" I asked unable to get up. The doctor nodded, "Of course he will have a fake eye, and he would need to stay home for a few weeks til then," he said.
        I nodded, "Alright," I said. "Do you know where the parents are?" I was asked. "They are dead, I found the father dead and one of my fellow coworkers said that the mother died in a car crash.." I said- but soon continued, "their uncle cause Michael's injuries so I am taking care of the kids as of right now... I will be signing adoption papers so that I will legally take care of them," I finished. The doctor nodded his head. "Alright, are you gonna put them on your insurance?" I nodded.
~6 hours later~
        "Thanks, Henry for helping me bring everyone home and for paying the hospital bills..." I said with a bit of tiredness and glee. Henry nodded after laying Charlie on the couch. "Would you like some tea?" I asked. "Please..." my boss mumbled. I smiled gently and walked to the kitchen. Only to stop seeing blood on the floor and 4 kids laying on the kitchen floor. I was afraid to look up. I knew who killed these kids and who wanted to frame me.
        I was terrified when I heard his voice. "This is what you get for not letting me help you..." is what I heard. I didn't want to have him near my house so I said this, "Henry call 911..." hoping he heard me.
        "Oh~ he won't hear you~" Vincent purred pulling me towards him. His hands-on my hips and his lips next to my ear. I can feel his hot breath against my cool skin. I shuddered at the feeling. I hated how I felt so submissive towards the killer that held me so close towards himself. I wanted to get away from him but I couldn't move. Fear took over my body.
        Thoughts raced through my head. I couldn't think straight. I tried to talk but nothing came out.

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