Chapter 17

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        It's been 7 months... I don't remember much but I remember slowly losing sanity. Slowly losing the meaning of life. Slowly losing my will to live after all the pain he put me through. One finger was cut off every 10th day. Then I get burned in the back by a blowtorch. I was stripped till I was in nothing but my boxers.
        My sweat dripped down from my forehead down onto the floor.
Drip. Drip. Drop. Drip.
        All I could hear was the floors creaking above me. I wanted to die. Right now.
        The door at the top of the stairs creaked open. I looked up through my messy long H/C hair to glare at Vincent. "Don't give me that look~" he said holding his favorite toy. A medieval sword. It looked so rusted and damaged. I'm guessing he forged it himself. He was humming a tune that was from one of Chopin's pieces. He ruined classical music for me.
        It killed me even more. I hate looking at his face. The insanity grew in his eyes as he stared down at me. "Just... Just kill me, you bastard..." I said panting in pain. "I plan on letting you slowly die... let you bleed out... or maybe torture you until your heart stops!" he said laughing maniacally. That sinister laugh. It made me sick to my stomach hearing it day by day.
        "Why...?" he ignored me. I know he did. I hate how he ignores me. I wish William and the others were here. I wish Henry was here. "Michael died~" My eyes widened hearing that. I let out a raspy sob. "n-no..." "yes..." "Lies..." "Oh believe what you will but his body was found outside of Baby's Pizza World~!" he screamed at me stabbing me in the gut with the sword. I coughed up blood trying to grasp my last few breaths.
        I hope I die right here... right now... he is a fucking glitch in my head that is torturing me...

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