Chapter 18

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        It's been days since I last saw Vincent. My consciousness and sanity have been slipping faster by the minute. I thought I saw a plate of food by the stairs but it's a box of maggots and beetles crawling around it. The basement started smelling of rotten flesh and mold. I hated the smell, and what's worse I enjoy the taste of blood in my mouth.
        I struggled to try to get off the meat hooks. I screamed at the pain. Tears dripped onto the ground. With one last tug, I ripped my hands from the hooks screaming. I landed in the pool of blood that was under me. I shuddered trying to stay awake.
~6 hours later~
        Vincent was gone and I was in the hospital. My hands bandaged but the blood still seeped through. I was in pain and fear. I couldn't feel my body. I'm surprised I'm not dead... yet.
        I leaned back closing my eyes. I felt so tired. So. So. Tired. As soon as my eyes fully closed my body went limp and the monitor flatlined. That's what I heard before passing away into nothing but darkness.

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