Chapter 16

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        After hours of looking, I finally decided to check the basement. I never really liked the basements. Especially when kids go missing. "Ok M/N... you can do this..." I really want to know where those spirits went. Like, come on! Does anyone not know what I can find down here?!
        When I got down the stairs I was- well immediately knocked out with powerful force.
~7 hours later~
        "Finally you are awake..." Vincent said- or- what I think was Vincent. My head hurts and I am pretty sure I am bleeding.
        "W-what are you... you doing...?" I asked trying to sound pissed off only I sounded scared. Scared for my life.
        "Oh~ I'm going to finish my job by killing you~ then maybe Michael or Henry~!" He sounded crazy. I struggled to get out, "what did you use to tie me up with!?" I asked struggling the best I could. All I heard was laughter. That crazed laughter sent chills down my spine. The laughter sounded as if he inhaled dangerous gas like helium.
        "You get to see my brother again~," Vincent said in a sing-song voice. I heard his footsteps dance around me. Old-time music was playing on a vinyl player. I closed my eyes and counted to 10 knowing I was gonna die soon. I just knew it- but I know Henry and Michael and the others are probably looking for me.
        "Wanna know where we are~?" He asked me. Knife pushed up against my neck. His eyes glowed a yellowish purple tone. 'Is that even a color or is that more of a sunset orange?' I thought to myself but I silently nodded giving up trying to get my arms free.
         I only now noticed that my hands had meat hooks nailed through them. I never noticed the pain until I saw that my entire body was numb and covered in cuts and bruises. A puddle of blood was under me dry to the brim.

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