10 Ways To Annoy Sarcastic People

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, so much homework, not enough time. Enjoy! 

1. Don't follow through with anything that they say sarcastically.

2. Ask them really stupid questions, on purpose.

3. When they say something sarcastic, take it literally. (Attempt at your own risk).

4. Tell them to stop being negative. (Let's just say, this MAY start arguments).

5. Be twice as sarcastic with them.

6. Ask them really smart questions and if they get it wrong, give a sarcastic reply.

7. If they say things like, "Do you wanna a cookie?", say yes and scream until they give you one.

8. Whenever they aren't being sarcastic, take everything they're saying in a sarcastic way.

9. Say the opposite of what they say.

10. Be extemly happy, smiling and positve around them and always call them Nancy. 

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