10 Ways To Annoy Bookworms

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Hey everyone. Sorry, I've been really busy and haven't been able to update. Hope you enjoy ways to annoy bookworms. Remember, if you have any suggestions, you can inbox me or comment below.

1. Always complain about how much better the movie.

2. Ruin the ending and follow them around giving them spoilers.

3. Tell them that chapter summaries are way better than the actual books.

4. Hide the books that they're reading in places they won't find.

5. Misplace their bookmarks. (The most annoying thing. No joke).

6. 'Accidently' spill water on their book. (This one is a bit harsh... so your choice).

7. Compare books of different genre. (Honestly, this is just stupid).

8. Tell them that you've read a trilogy. Mention that you've read the second book but not the first or the third.

9. Make fun of their favourite book and say that the best part of their favourite book was the blurb.

10. Give them pointless lectures about the movie and talk really bad about the book.

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