10 Ways To Annoy People While Camping

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update. Slow internet and holiday plans got in the way but I am back so, hi. I'm still doing that weekly fact thing so make sure you check that out and if you have any suggestions make sure you comment down below to let me now. Enjoy 10 Ways To Annoy People While Camping.

1. 'Accidently' unmake someone's tent. (Can't blame you if it was an accident).

2. Be on electronic devicies until they tell you to get off.

3. Act like a fancy, germ-phobic person for the entire camping trip and complain when something goes wrong.

4. Pretend like you are Bear Grylls. (THIS NEEDS NO EXPLANATION)

5. Continously nag them about you being hungry and needing to use the bathroom.

6. Tell everyone to share ghost stories and then, get easily scared on purpose and scream about how you can't sleep.

7. On every activity you do, try to scare people in different inventive ways.

8. Every now and then, keep asking when you will return home.

9. If you're on a camping trip with school, make up an excuse about how you feel homesick. (Some schools will let you go home depending on how far the duration is).

10. Pretend that you've become an expert at camping and annoy everyone by throwing random facts at them. (Do this continously). 

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